Friday, February 27, 2009
How To Get An Ex Back Even If You Have Made All The Possible Mistakes
The common mistakes are usually associated with being and looking insecure, constantly feeling depressed, and basically a feel sorry for me attitude. If you want to get your ex back, they definitely don't want to see you like this and will usually be turned off by the lack of appeal. This is not the way to get back your ex.
Instead, start looking accomplished like life has not stood still because they left you. For some reason both men and women love this new look and you can use it to your advantage. You are more likely to get back together with your ex with this newfound attitude.
Other issues revolve around harassing them. Not a recommended way to get back with your ex. You may not be doing it intentionally, but if you take a second and think back to all the calls, visits, and showing up where they do you can only imagine how you would feel if they were doing it to you.
While giving someone space is a great asset to have without jealousy issues, it is hard to stay away. However, if you choose the appropriate times to make a call, it will work a lot better in your favor. Ultimately, you don't want to risk pushing your ex away.
Okay, now let's say you've done every mistake possible and it looks as though there is no way to repair the break up. This is the time you have to do things you wouldn't normally do. A great example is just saying you were wrong. Granted, every relationship is going to be different but sometimes the hardest thing to do in a relationship is admit that you were to blame. However, this doesn't mean you go begging to get an ex back, you simply acknowledge this point of view in a gentle manner.
Listen, we aren't going to go through all the mistakes because in the end, you know what you did. All we can tell you is that you have to start fresh. New beginnings are a great way to counteract the situation, and with a little persuasion, you might be a step close to getting your ex back. Bringing this up in conversation can help you get back together, even though this is not a guarantee. Your ex simply might enjoy the thought of getting back to the way things used to be.
Last but certainly not least, just be yourself. If you want to make things work in order to get your ex back, then don't try to be somebody you're not. Why? Well, here is what would happen. Everything would be kosher for awhile, feeling new, getting back to the basics, but eventually you both wind up back to who you really are as people. Then you will have to go through everything all over again and feel the way you are feeling right now.
So take a second and reflect on everything we've told you above. While some of these may not pertain to you right now, they are all good to know for future reference. In the end, you may be able to get an ex back with a little work. The object is to overcome obstacles even before they are brought up by either party. If you can do this then you can definitely get an ex back.
Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.
I Regret Dumping My Boyfriend - How Do I Get Him Back
You need to determine what actually happened to make you dump him in the first place. You can't change what happened, you can learn from the mistake you made. No matter what the reason was, figure out how to deal with it so you can build a long-term commitment with him.
The first thing to do is to let him know you are sorry. You know you made a mistake in dumping him all for the wrong reasons, and want to make a clean start. Apologizing is one of the best ways to get you ex back. Say you're sorry for the real reasons for the breakup. Stay calm and keep your emotions in check. Don't be goaded into an argument over blame or other problems. Keep the lines of communication open. Sit down and talk out your problems objectively.
Give your ex boyfriend some space. Allow him time to cool down. There is a good chance he will begin missing you too. While apart, take care of yourself. Don't let your appearance slack off. Avoid being whiny and clingy, sitting around waiting for him to call. On the other hand don't pester him with calls and emails trying to get his attention. Remember you dumped him, so he's probably already trying to move on.
Now I realize how much I enjoy his company. I know I did a dumb thing and I regret dumping my boyfriend. How do I get him back? With some hard work, a plan and patience, that's how.
If you need more help to get him back go to and find more proven strategies and resources to win him back.
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Thursday, February 26, 2009
10 Ways to Get Your Man Back After He Leaves You
Number one: Apologize! Tell him you are sorry for the difficulty that drove him away. Forgive him for his part as well. Make him understand you'd like to forget the past and move on with the relationship.
Number two: Write Him! Send him a letter telling him how much you miss him and would like him back in your life. Don't be pushy or beg, just write out your feelings in a nice pleasant way.
Number three: Reminisce. Talk about all the great times you've shared together. Get together at a place you both enjoyed as a favorite hangout.
Number four: Be Friends! Hang out on a regular basis with him. Have fun together. Eventually he'll realize how much he enjoys your company.
Number five: Tell Him How You Feel! Let him know you still love him and are interested in a future together.
Number six: Get Help From His Friends! Get together with his family or a mutual friend to help you talk to your ex boyfriend about getting back together.
Number seven: Seduce Him! It might be a little unethical, but seducing him will remind him of your powerful attraction for each other.
Number eight: Compromise! Give him a call and talk about reaching a compromise over the difficulty that caused the breakup. Compromise is a big factor in any relationship. Be willing to give a little.
Number nine: Win His Family! Send a gift to his mom or dad. This lets them know you miss them and their son and want him back in your life. Of course, this only works if they like you.
Number ten: Wine and Dine Him! Take him to his favorite restaurant. Talk about your feelings and the relationship. Don't pressure him, though.
Combining any of these steps takes you in the right direction. These 10 ways to get your man back after he leaves you will help you win him back.
There are many more ways that can work to get your man back. It all depends on why you broke up in the first place. To learn more ways that can help you go to and find more good advice to help you along the way to reuniting with your man.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009
7 Simple Steps To Get Your Ex Back
There are real ways to get an ex back. When approaching your ex about getting back together again:
1. Be Honest
Open honesty is called upon to mend the mistakes of the past. When the breakup occurred, there were problems between the two of you. It's important to be honest and take responsibility for your actions.
Let your ex know that you are willing to make changes so the relationship between the two of you can grow.
2. Be Strong
Don't appear to be weak. Signs of weakness will not gain respect from your ex toward you or help win your ex back. It's Ok, to let your ex know how much you miss him or her. It's not Ok, to appear weepy and emotionally distraught over the breakup.
3. Take Inventory
Do a personal inventory and pin point what went wrong in the relationship the first time around. This is one of the most important ways to get an ex back. You really need to have a good idea of what role you played in the relationship coming apart. It's also important to understand what responsibilities your ex had in the break up.
When you know what led up to the breakup, then you have some knowledge about what issues need to be worked out, so the relationship does not repeat itself in a breakup again.
4. Arrange a Meeting
Set up a meeting with your ex at someplace that is open, yet where the two of you can talk about things.
If you want to get your ex back, you will have to take the first step in arranging a contact. Let this first contact be easy going and as free of drama and blame as possible. The general idea is to let down his or her guard and be open to the idea of getting back together again.
5. Be Clear about Your Intention
Let your ex know how you feel about getting back together. Don't be needy or manipulative in your discussion about getting back together. Be straight forward and honest.
6. Be Interested
Listen to your ex and ask leading questions to get him or her to open up and talk to you. Open communication is going to be the key to getting your ex back. Be interested in what they are saying to you. If you don't agree, don't fly off the handle and get mad. It's Ok, to disagree, it's not Ok to start a heated argument because you don't see eye, to eye. Ultimately, it is not worth it to allow an argument to hinder your get back together plan.
7. Be Open to Change
All of the ways to get an ex back, will require changes in the relationship. Something broke down the first time. If you took an inventory, then you must have recognized certain troubling issues that kept resurfacing in the relationship that played into the breakup. These troublesome issues are the ones that need to be dealt with. Ignoring the problems will not make them go away. This will only cause them to keep popping up.
In the final analysis, ways to get an ex back is not one single thing to do, but a combination of actions that need to be taken to clear the way to try again. It takes time and commitment from both parties. You can't do all the hard work by yourself. It is rarely one person's fault that a breakup will happen. It always takes two people to tango and make or break a relationship.
Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.
Five Steps to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back
Step 1. Evaluate what went wrong. Determine what caused the breakup and the events that led up to it.
For instance ask yourself:
Was there another guy involved?
Is the romance gone?
Do your bad habits drive her crazy?
These questions will help you find the things that need fixing between you and your ex.
Step 2. Change your life. You should make any changes to your life that will help bring her back. One big reason a guy is dumped is his lack of attraction. This means you'll have to make some changes to your appearance. Begin working out. Change your hairstyle. Develop confidence and determination. Change your bad habits. If she hated it when you threw clothes and papers everywhere, start picking up after yourself. Make it a habit to be more neat and organized.
Step 3. Begin dating other women. Dating other women is a great way to make your ex crazy with jealousy.
Step 4. Be her friend. Contact her and let her know you'd like to hang out as friends. Grab a cup of coffee, take in a movie with other friends or get a bite to eat. Don't try to make this into a romantic date. Just show her confidence and talk as if you are friends.
Step 5. Move on to more romantic techniques. Show her how much fun you are. Treat her like you would any new relationship. Bring her flowers, take her on romantic walk and do the things you know she will enjoy.
Many guys find it hard to get a girlfriend back. But by following these five steps to get your ex girlfriend back, you'll be enjoying your relationship soon.
Don't expect things to happen too quickly. It will take time. Don't give up and make whatever changes you need to do to get her interested in you again. You know what went wrong so you have to prove to her that you have changed for the better and for always. Find more steps to get your ex girlfriend back at
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009
How Do I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back in 3 Simple Steps
I am serious about saving my relationship. He is worth it to me! I have tried calling him all the time, writing him emails and text messages. I've left messages telling him how sorry I am or tried to make him feel sorry for me. Obviously this isn't working. It's pushing him away.
I need a new approach, one that will be simple. I began by breaking off all contact with him for a while. While not in contact with him, I focused on improving my own personal life. I began by getting a makeover and then I started working on some of my bad or annoying habits.
Then I came up with a logical plan of action to win him back. It would include becoming friends again and gaining his trust and appreciation.
After a while I began to make contact with him. I became his friend. He began to take notice of the changes in me and started to become interested again. I casually brought up good things from our past relationship and how good things were in the beginning.
I asked him to meet me for a talk. I chose a time when we could both talk out our problems. I explained that I wasn't looking to bring blame into the conversation; I just wanted to talk openly and objectively about our issues.
As we became friends again, I gradually gained his trust and respect. I was open and honest about my feelings. He began to see me as a partner again.
Now I know the answer to the question: How do I get my ex boyfriend back in three simple steps?
For more steps that will show you how to get your ex boyfriend back go to
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Monday, February 23, 2009
Can I Get My Boyfriend Back Regardless Of The Situation?
The most important thing in any relationship or any reconciliation is communication. Your ex is not a mind reader. They don't know that you are sitting by the phone waiting and wishing they would call. They don't know that you are watching old videos and downing Ben and Jerry's. You sitting pining over him on your own is not going to let him know that your heart is still his.
You also need to know where he stands. He may be sitting at home dreaming of having you back as well. So tell him how you feel. You may not get the response you want right away but you will never know how he feels and what he is thinking if you don't ask and he will never know you want him back if you don't tell him.
Before you can communicate with your ex, you need to know how you feel. Think of the reasons you broke up in the first place. Now you need to figure out solutions. If the argument was because you did something wrong, fess up, take responsibility and apologize. If they hurt you but you can't get them off of your mind, list all the reasons you fell in love with them in the first place. The more you think of their positive aspects the more you will find. Also, list the things they love about you. This will help bring to mind all the great memories you had together.
If the relationship ended because someone lied or cheated then it is unwise to get back together until the other person knows that it will never happen again. A simple "I'm sorry" isn't enough, trust needs to be earned back. If you are the untrustworthy one than be honest about the reasons for your actions and show you learned from your mistakes.
Give them time to cool off and then contact them by leaving a message or calling them. They are going to be hurt if you did something to cause the break up so give them the chance to work through that pain. Whatever the problem was, it needs to be sorted out and cannot define the any future relationship you may have.
Take care of yourself. You are not going to win him back by sitting in your pajamas binging on Oreos and your favorite tub of ice cream. You guys have spent some time together, you may run into each other, and you want to be looking good. Don't track him down or follow him to places you would never be. Stalking is never attractive. But chances are you are around the same people and places, if they don't see you one of their friends might. Look good and take care of yourself and word will get back to them, and you will be back on their mind.
Don't put too much pressure on yourself or your ex. Things take time and you will both appreciate the chance to grow closer in a healthy way. Rushing things or pushing too hard can cause your ex to run the other way.
Millions of people break up and get back together, we see it all the time. It is never hopeless so be yourself, be positive and remember who your ex is and how you have reached them emotionally in the past. They are the same person they always were and you know how to make them fall in love with you. You did it once so it is possible to do it again!
Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.
How to Get a Guy Back After He's Dumped You
The first thing you discovered was that you needed to have patience to win him back. You need to back off and don't get pushy or needy. Begin by saying hello to him or waving whenever you happen to meet. Maintain eye contact.
The next thing is to slowly become friends again. Strike up a conversation when you can, but keep it brief. You want to remain a mystery to him. Be his friend by enjoying fun dates such as taking him to his favorite sports game or his favorite restaurant. Oh, and it's OK to flirt a little too.
Another important tip is to take pride in your appearance. Always look your best, by wearing clean, neat clothes and a well-trimmed hairstyle. Putting thought into how you appear reflects confidence and respect for yourself. He's sure to find this attractive. It also shows him you aren't letting yourself go because your depressed and yearning for him.
The last thing is to give him compliments. You want to make him feel good when he's around you. Talk about the good times you enjoyed together. Bring up past memories. He will be thinking more about you if you remind him occasionally of the good times you had together.
Begin slowly and don't come off as being needy or desperate. Play it cool and let him be the one to come to you. You will know how to get a guy back after he's dumped you with a little research and patience.
For more tips to help you get your guy back and find happiness again go to
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How to Get an Ex Back in Four Steps
The first step is to have patience. You need to realize it will take time to heal and to win her back. Whenever you cross paths, say hello and make eye contact. Don't send her evil looks or speak nasty things about her, especially to your friends. It could get back to her and then you will have to work even harder to win her back. Get rid of all the negativity you have about the relationship. Focus on the good.
The second step is to slowly rebuild your friendship. Being her friend first is the best way to build a solid foundation in the relationship. Strike up a friendly conversation with her. Take her to her favorite restaurant or the mall or a concert. Flirt a little but keep it light.
The next step is to continue to take care of yourself. Keep your appearance looking good, get your hair trimmed and styled, wear nice clean clothing. Taking care of yourself shows her you have confidence and respect yourself and aren't depressed. Don't appear needy and pushy. Don't show up everywhere she is. Focus your energy to changing and improving your strengths and weaknesses. For instance if she complained about you being a slob, make an effort to start picking up around the house.
The last step, after a few months or so, is to begin to win her romantically. Send her flowers and little gifts. Compliment her every once in a while. Talk about the good times you've had together.
Your ex will begin to see you as a desirable catch and want to be a part of your life again. Focusing on the positives and following these four steps you now know how to get your ex back.
For more important steps on how to get an ex back in your arms again as soon as possible go to
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Sunday, February 22, 2009
A Girl's Guide on How to Win an Ex Boyfriend Back
Remember, everything you do can make or break your plans to win him back. That period after the breakup and before reconciliation is on very shaky ground. Take it slow and steady.
Now that the crying phase is over you need to contemplate the relationship. Did you see what happened before the breakup? Is someone involved, another lady or man? Was something bothering him? What was his reason for the breakup? Is it something you can fix or change? Is it something you did or didn't do?
You'll need to learn to keep a tight control on your emotions. You're going to have to talk to him and this could be tense the first few times. You don't want to end up crying or babbling because you are too emotional. This can be a big turnoff to your ex.
Don't overwhelm him with romantic feelings and over the top gestures of love. When trying to win him back you shouldn't appear desperate. We as women, tend to be very emotional after we break up with someone. This can do more damage than good to our pride and dignity. Try to keep those emotions firmly in check.
Spend time becoming his friend again. Enjoy a night out together with mutual friends. Go to events you've enjoyed together in the past.
On the other hand, don't stalk him. It's a big no-no. Avoid the tendency to be everywhere he is. Don't call him and leave countless messages or email or text messages. This will make him feel trapped.
Now that you have a plan on how to win an ex boyfriend back, you can be more confident in the way you act towards him.
Be patient, it won't happen overnight. Just let things happens naturally. Don't give up until you have tried your best. Keep learning more about how to win an ex boyfriend back at
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How to Get Back Together With Your Girlfriend After She Dumped You
If you're secretly yearning for your ex girlfriend, you have options to get her back. You'll need time to think about what went wrong before taking some steps in the right direction.
First examine the reasons why the breakup happened. Don't cast blame. Simply try to figure out what went wrong.
Was it your fault or was it a mutual problem?
Have there been major changes in one of your lives?
Is there another man involved?
Do you have annoying habits that drove her crazy?
You'll have a better chance of success in getting her back once you know the real reason for the breakup. One note of warning however, if there is another guy involved, you probably won't have much success in getting her back.
We become lazy and careless in our appearance and attitude in a long-term relationship. You can change your appearance. Simply opt for a new look and change your style. Develop confidence and self-respect.
After a period of time and after you've made some changes, communicate with her. Let her know you're there for her as a friend. Invite her to lunch once in a while or grab a quick movie or walk in the park or other event you enjoyed together. Talk about the good times you had in the earlier part of your relationship. You could begin dating other women as well. This might make her jealous enough to want you back. Eventually, she'll begin to realize what a great guy you were and will be more open to rekindling the relationship.
With a little work, your hard work will begin to pay off. You are taking the steps to begin changing and are grateful you learned how to get back together with your girlfriend after she dumped you.
For more steps that you can do that will help you get back together with your girlfriend go to
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Saturday, February 21, 2009
2 Most Common Mistakes Made When Getting an Ex Back
Avoid The Smother
Upon hearing that you are the target of a break up, your instincts will tell you to grab your ex and lock them in your basement forever! OK, maybe you wouldn't take it that far, but you are certainly inclined to text them every five minutes, call them and stop over their house every chance you get. If you do this, you won't be getting an ex back!
What you want to do at the moment of break up is to agree with your ex that it is the best thing for you both. Put up a bit of a fight if you want, but eventually agree with them and part amicably. This will be counter intuitive but is crucial to getting an ex back.
From this point on, avoid any unnecessary contact with your ex. Create separation! As painful as it is, you must stay away because smothering them will not make them feel any better about the prospects of getting back with you.
The separation you create will not only make them feel more attracted to you (because now they can't have you, and people are attracted to things they cannot have) but it will also allow you to create a new side of yourself that they've never seen, to show them that you are getting along just fine without them, perhaps even better.
You can fix a smother if you write a short handwritten letter to them, or leaving them a short message on their answering machine saying what a dunce you've been, and apologizing for any discomfort you might have caused them. Once again, agree with the terms of the breakup and that it is the best thing for you both.
Avoiding (or fixing) the smother will even the playing field and heighten your chances for getting an ex back.
Don't Beg
Another thing to avoid upon hearing the bad news is to beg or expect sympathy. Your feelings are hurt so the first thing you'll want to do is to get sympathy from the very person who has been your emotional support for so long. When that support is gone, it is doubly painful for your heart. Still...avoid doing this because it is never useful in getting an ex back.
People generally do not find depression, sadness or pitiful people attractive, so using this method of getting an ex back will definitely not work. In fact, begging or expecting sympathy may actually drive them further away.
Have some pride and understand that getting an ex back takes time and patience, but it can be done. You have to remember that there are many things that originally attracted your ex to you, and so now you just have to find a way to separate yourself from the attributes that your ex now finds unattractive, create some separation, and come at them from a fresh new angle.
Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.
A Desperate Lover Asks - Is it Possible to Get Back Together With an Ex?
The simple answer is ... maybe.
There are many things that will affect the outcome, though. For instance, did she leave because she no longer felt appreciated or was it a bigger issue? You'll need to do some soul searching and be truthful about the reasons she left. If it was a matter of appreciation, then yes, you can get back with your ex. If it was a matter of your annoying little habits and actions, then, yes you can get her back. But with any of these factors, you will have to do some work and make changes.
For example, you will need to have patience. Don't push her to see or talk to you. Give her space. You don't want to appear needy; this is a big turnoff to many women. Don't send her a mountain of emails, text messages and calls. Back away and gradually make contact with her.
While you're attempting to keep things moving along slowly, work on bettering yourself. Change the things that you can. For instance, did she find your habit of tossing clothes and magazines around the house annoying? Well, you can change this irritating habit. Program yourself to put things in their place. Make a list of your weaknesses and work on fixing them.
Continue to take pride in your appearance as well. Keep your hair trimmed and your clothing clean. Consider a better job if possible or take on more responsibilities. All these things show her you're responsible and confident.
Begin to make some contact. Don't beg for forgiveness or for her to take you back. This initial contact is to develop friendship and trust. Take her to lunch or a movie, not as a date but as a friend. Listen to her. Be there for her when she needs someone to talk to.
It is possible to get back together with an ex when it seems hopeless? Just take it slow and let things progress naturally.
Take things slowly and learn as much as you can. That will give you the best possible chance to get back together with an ex. Learn more by visiting
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Friday, February 20, 2009
Desperately Need to Know How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back
You will need to be committed to putting some effort into getting her back. Before you make any changes or begin stalking her, uncover what caused the breakup. Why did she leave? Were there personality clashes or was it simply she no longer felt appreciated?
You should begin changing any bad habits or behavior. Were you always criticizing her on the way she dressed or her manners or looks? Or was it the other way round. Either way you need to change yourself or change the way you think of her. You need to accept her as she is. Build your self-confidence and become more positive. Make the changes in your appearance and personality she will be excited about.
Don't call her immediately after the breakup. During this time your both still angry and agitated with each other. Take the time to get your emotions under control.
Be willing to be her friend for a while. Let her know you'll be there to listen to her as a friend. You can meet for drinks or other fun activities. Reminisce about the good times in your relationship. Take her out for a picnic or out with a group of friends. This is the best way to begin the relationship again. Do not rush things.
As the friendship grows, you can begin to woo her again. Treat it like a new relationship. Be sensitive and apologize if necessary. Admit your mistakes. Be sincere and honest in your feelings. These simple steps might be all you need to know how to get your ex girlfriend back.
Most importantly practice patience. It won't happen as fast as you would like but if you can show her that you can be the man of her dreams it can happen. There are more steps that you can take that will help you get your ex girlfriend back. For more steps go to
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Thursday, February 19, 2009
5 Deadly Mistakes You Must Avoid To Get Your Ex Back
Granted, some relationships fizzled out later on, but having the opportunity or basically another chance to see if it would work can give any person more closure. Getting back with your ex is not impossible.
Below you will find the top five mistakes individuals do when trying to get an ex back. This is list was compiled after personal research and even psychological research was done through several different scenarios. Hopefully, you can take away enough material from this article to help you win your ex back. You may even repair a break up and get your ex back a lot sooner than you ever imagined.
The Independent Role
Probably one of the most excruciating things to hear from your partner is that they can live without you. You know the scenario, life goes on, I don't need you, etc. Playing the independent role does have a positive effect, but only on yourself. Usually, it is just a facade and not letting your partner know that you have no idea what you would do without them. So try to avoid this very common mistake.
Using the Insecure Role
Yes, the insecure role is another one that will definitely keep you from trying to get back together with your ex. Watching that too sensitive, crying look all the time will soon get old. When this happens, your ex will not really want to talk to you because he/she will already know what is coming. Having that additional stress on a relationship is not what either party is looking for and if there isn't a dry eye in the house then problems will soon follow. Be strong and you will stand a higher chance to win back your ex.
The Annoyance Role
While we do feel that communication is one of the keys to being successful in trying to get an ex back, too much will only hurt you. Right now, you probably have all sorts of emotions running through your head. For instance if you call and they don't answer what do you think? This happens all the time and usually promotes continuous calling, which can make a person look like a psycho in their eyes. Keeping your distance but picking your spots is the best way to go.
Begging and Pleading
We almost put this under the annoyance role, but it definitely needs its own. When you finally get a chance to have that conversation and communicate with your lover, don't start begging and pleading. It doesn't help in getting back together and may push your ex away instead. People are instantly turned off by this and even though may feel guilty for a second, that is not a good foundation to build on if you can get an ex back. Talking about the positives and negatives of the relationship is much more suitable at this point in the game.
Giving Up
While these mistakes are not necessarily in any particular order, giving up is probably the biggest mistake you can make if you still want to get back with your ex. If you truly love this person and feel as though they are the one, then get out there and fight. However, don't go overboard or it is only going to backfire. Then again, if you are already feeling defeated you've already lost before even getting started. Just think about everything we've said here and hopefully it will help you get your ex back as well as find a new journey to endure.
Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.
What's the Best Way of Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back?
Unfortunately, there isn't just one. But don't despair! There are several things you can do to win him back.
You shouldn't consider getting back with your ex boyfriend before you figure out what went wrong to start with. Did the romance die? Are you driving him nuts? Was there another woman?
If he's with another woman it might be more difficult getting him back soon. On the other hand, if you were simply driving him nuts, you can make changes that will help bring him back.
You'll want to make some positive changes to help win him. Some other things you will want to change or enhance are your physical appearance. Start working out and taking pride in your self. Change your hairstyle. Get a better job or take on more responsibilities.
Be his friend. Act confident and casual when around him. Take him to a favorite sporting event or a local hangout. Let him know you just want to hang out as his friend. Listen to him when he needs a friend. Being his friend is a great foundation on a strong relationship.
Casually mention you've begun dating other men. This will kick in his ego and jealousy and he'll want you back.
Try to remember why he was attracted to you in the beginning. Knowing this helps you get back to being that person.
These aren't magic tricks. They are simple common sense ways of getting your ex boyfriend back.
There are lots of techniques that you can try to get your ex boyfriend back. I suggest you don't do sneaky things or used dirty techniques to get him back. They won't work in the long run. For more advice and tips that you can do to get your ex boyfriend back go to
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009
How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back in 4 Steps
1. Cry over the loss. Mourning the loss of your ex is necessary so you can fully recover. Anger, guilt, loneliness, shame and hurt are common feelings felt in a loving relationship that breaks up. Don't put up a brave front.
2. Analyze why the breakup happened. Now that all the anger and tears are over, take the time to consider the reasons for the breakdown. This is the first useful step to get your ex boyfriend back. This will give you a clear and simple idea of what needs to be done to rekindle the relationship.
3. Solve the trouble. It's time to think about ways to solve what caused the breakup. Do you need to change an old or annoying habit? Maybe you need to change the way you treat him? Or can you simply learn to live with his annoying habits? Relationships need a lot of give and take to make them work. Be willing to give just a little more than he is.
If it is a matter of simply becoming too comfortable in the relationship, find ways to add fund and attraction into it. We all seem to take our relationships for granted after a while. But by adding some spontaneity we can rekindle any spark.
4. Rebuild his confidence. Be willing to build up his self-esteem, especially if you helped to damage it. Remind him how much you miss him or tell him you're sorry.
You are now prepared to take him back now that you know how to get your ex boyfriend back with these 4 steps.
It will take time for your plan to work. There are more steps that you could do that can help you get your ex boyfriend back because not every step may apply to you. For more steps go to
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
How To Get My Ex Back - Counter Intuitive Techniques
Being Original
It might be hard to believe, but if you take all the usual steps others do when trying to get an ex back it most likely won't work. When you want something that bad, you have to think outside the box. In order to do this it is important to not think about what he/she would want you to do, but want you would do for them. This way they are caught by surprise and even if for a moment, they feel a little rekindling.
How Do You Do It?
This is a great question right? Well, the answer doesn't lie within this article. Yes, we will give you information on what works and what doesn't, but the specifics have to come from your heart. For instance, we can tell you what not to do, but you have to take the necessary steps to make it happen. Like we said before, be original and creative because giving your ex a different type of affection may be what he or she needs.
What Not to Do
If you are a guy thinking how to get my ex back, please don't send her flowers. First off, it is the number one thing men do when they've done something wrong to a woman. Oh, and ladies, if you are in this situation and have lost your man, don't call up begging and pleading about your love. Both of these are common tactics that have gone by the way side over the years. It is time to take a new route.
Also, other things to stay away from is calling at all hours of the night, sending text messages to try to resolve the issue, or coming over unannounced. Each one of these has a different affect on your ex, and more times than not, none of them are good. Don't dig yourself a hole any deeper because now is the time to bring out your honesty and communicate with your ex in a positive manner.
Talking not Fighting
Since emotions are soaring right now it is safe to say you two need to sit down and talk about what has happened. One thing that is extremely important is if you call and ask to meet, you actually talk about the situation. There is nothing more frustrating in an ex's mind then thinking you are going to have a civil conversation and when you two get together the fighting starts all over again.
Our suggestion in this scenario is to keep a calm demeanor. Yes, even if your ex gets emotional and starts ranting. If you want to really know how to get your ex back, then you can't succumb to the elevated argument. Most of the time, if you are calm, they will calm down and realize how immature they look. It is not only bonus points for you, but you may even get an apology or two from them as well.
In the End
It's a difficult task and definitely one that will have its ups and downs. The question is whether you can control your emotions. In doing so, you won't falter in your actions and will look as though you are trying to work things out as opposed to being right about who is to blame. We never said it was going to be easy, but it can be easier than what you've been doing to this point.
Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.
How to Get Your Man Back - Five Things to Keep in Mind
1. Put out of your mind whose fault the breakup was. What happened in the past should stay there. You must be willing to forgive and forget before you can even try to get him back. If the fault was yours you will have to find a way to make him forgive and forget as well.
2. Don't scare him away with too much contact. Fifty sobbing phone calls a day will not get him back. You'll need to treat this like a new relationship. Limit your communications, no matter whether it's via a phone, text or email, to one call every few days. Be sure to use a calm and composed voice when talking to him or leaving a message.
3. Don't play dirty or sneaky. Creating a revenge plot against him will only backfire.
4. Don't stalk him. Parking a car in front of his home with a pair of binoculars will only get you restraining order. Don't follow him around hoping get back in his good graces. Showing up where he is can happen once in a while but don't make a habit of it. Don't interrogate his friends and family either. This will only embarrass everyone. Keep everyone else out of your relationship.
5. Give it time. If nothing seems to be working, he may need more time to cool off. Try to appreciate his feelings. Be his friend. If it was meant to be things will progress naturally from there.
Keep these five things in mind when you are deciding on how to get your man back.
For more great tips to help you get your man back in your life as soon as possible go to
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Monday, February 16, 2009
Win An Ex Boyfriend Back by Using Mind Tricks
It may seem harsh and very hard to do, but stop all communication with him immediately. This gives both of you the breathing room you need after a tough breakup. He'll become curious about what you're up to. It also keeps you from appearing desperate for a chance to win him back.
I know. You have a strong urge to talk to him. But you must remember this is a game of wits and you must keep your emotions in check. Use the time to do things for yourself. Treat yourself to a new hairstyle or a makeover or a spa day to help ease some of the stress you been feeling over the breakup. Taking care of you is important. Invest in yourself so you can be your best for him when you get him back.
You should evaluate the relationship as it was before and during the breakup. This will help you figure out what caused the breakup. You'll learn about what you couldn't stand about him and what he couldn't stand about you. You will also learn about what you and he both enjoyed about the relationship.
After a period of time, write him a short note saying the break up was a good idea. You may not believe it, but it will turn the table on him. He'll begin to realize he still has feelings for you and had better act quickly or lose you forever.
Follow these mind tricks to win ex boyfriend back. Make a well thought out plan to go with the mind tricks and implement them. It's proven to work to your advantage to get him grovel and come back.
For more interesting ways to win your ex boyfriend back go to
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Sunday, February 15, 2009
How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back - The Indirect Sly Approach
If you think you had the most priceless jewel in your life, but you let him go because of certain flukes, do not let disappointment and regret wreck havoc on you. You will always have other chances to win him back, no matter what. Will and persistence, coupled with a little wit will finally help you achieve what you want.
Have you ever felt what it is like to go for a hunt? Well, since the environmentalists have capped all chances of such an on-field experience, you will have to rather imagine it. To be on a hunt always brings to you the marvelous thrill that makes your life more interesting. It is living on the edge that makes all the difference. If you want to get your ex boyfriend back, it will indeed be the best hunting trip ever! But there are some rules that you surely need to remember so that you can still stay in the game.
Remember that our basic behavior is inherent in our genes. Have you read those Mills and Boons stories that you thought have blown love realities completely out of proportion? Well, do not be quick to judge them. Those stories actually state the basic truth: the men are the only perfect wooers. Men need to chase; they need to be on the run, constantly. You will have to draw them to you. And the best way to do that is to stay indifferent to him and his presence. Do not let him know that you still remember him. If he gets to know the truth, for him, half the chase will be won, and half the charm will be lost.
There are other things that you can do to get your ex boyfriend back. Act sly, though it might be hard for you to do that since you like being honest. However, remember that you are doing it for love. And what other cause can be nobler than that? So next time you hang out with your ex boyfriend, make sure you leave with your friends before him. He will soon wonder where it is that you are off to.
If you are in a kind of hurry to win back your ex, try this act. This is a killer. Get closer with his male friends, and warm your heart with the sight of his face going beet red with jealousy.
When he talks to you and asks you how you have been doing, do not gush over everything about your life and nag him. Men do not like girls who hang on to them.
Remember the most important mantra: take care of yourself. Just because you do not have him does not mean that you should not allow yourself the attention that you deserve. Pamper yourself, brush up your looks and you will be able to dazzle him next time he sees you.
It is really understandable why you would like to have the love cupid in your life back in action again. However, before you start trying to get your ex boyfriend back, you must think things through. It will be a little difficult to decide, but you will surely be able to decide what is best for you. Do not think twice, just think wise.
Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.
How to Make Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Back - One Step at a Time
I asked friends who told me to call him and ask him if he would try the relationship again. I did call him, more than once in fact, and it seemed to make the situation worse. He needed space and I wasn't giving him any.
Another acquaintance suggested I keep my distance from him for at least a week or so. She knew I was panicking and fearing that if I didn't make contact with him regularly I'd lose him. I took it one day at a time. I didn't want to appear desperate or needy. I didn't beg or apologize.
The same was true of his friends and family. I stayed away from them as well, even though I wanted to get their input on how to talk to him.
I was advised to make a plan and to think everything through. Every action I take and say effects my chances of getting him back. Keep a clear head. I had to stop thinking about how badly I wanted him back and work on ways to communicate that will help get him to come back in the future.
Another thing I was advised was to create a new me. In other words, I needed to make some changes to my appearance and lifestyle. I got a makeover and began working out. I found a better job and took on more responsibility.
All these tips helped me learn how to make my ex boyfriend want me back.
After some time and from constantly thinking about the situation your thoughts will be clear and you will be able to make the changes needed to get him back. You will find the right steps to take to make your ex boyfriend want you back. For more great tips go to
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Signs of an Ex Boyfriend Wanting a Girl Back
One sure sign is when your ex approaches you to say hello. Whether he comes across the street or to your house it's a good indication he wants you back. If he wanted nothing more to do with you, he would walk away without saying anything
Another sign is when your ex calls you out of the blue to see how you're doing. If the calls become frequent then you can be almost positive that he's thinking about you as much as you are him.
Your ex tells a friend how much he misses the relationship it's a good sign your ex wants you back. Another way is that he indirectly lets you know he's interest through a card or greeting.
Your ex boyfriend asks you out just to talk, it is a sign he's thinking about the relationship. Watch his body language and how often and where he touches you. These are great indications of him wanting you back.
Sometimes it's hard to tell if you ex boyfriend wants you back. This is when you begin to look at his behavior and your own. Ask friends and family what their opinion is. He may be more comfortable confiding in someone else about the relationship.
If he seems interested in rekindling the relationship, you should take things slow. You don't want to end up in the same situation as when the relationship ended. When you begin to notice the signs of an ex boyfriend wanting a girl friend back, it's time to act. Be careful, though, as it could be just a rebound.
For more tips and advice about your breakup and more signs your ex boyfriend wants you back go to
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Friday, February 13, 2009
Can I Get My Boyfriend Back - 3 Ways To Win Back Your Boyfriend
The answer to the question of whether you can get your boyfriend back is one that can be answered with a decisive YES and you will find that simply by keeping a few things in mind, you can win your boyfriend back and do it soon!
The truth of the matter is that humans are creatures of habit; we love familiarity and at the end of the day, there was a comfort that was found in your relationship that simply could not be found anywhere else. You have already realized it, and soon, he is going to as well. To really take advantage of this feeling and to make sure that it will pan out with the kind of results that you want, you will need to keep a few things in mind.
First, make sure that you are in good shape, mentally, socially and physically. If you have gone through a period where you feel tired, run down and sad all the time, there is a good chance that you have not been taking good care of yourself. Take some time and make sure that you are eating right and feeling your best. No one wants to be taken back for pity, and you'll find that you can remind your significant other of the good times a lot better when you are glowing with health.
Second, get rid of toxic people or at least be careful about who you listen to. Lots of relationships fail because there were forces involved that were destructive and can hurt your chances of getting back together. If you have people in your life who are constantly sowing discord and dissension, get them out. They were not good for your relationship, and they are simply just not good for you!
Third, make contact. Don't leave it up to fate or to your boyfriend himself. If you really want to get back together with your ex boyfriend, you are going to need to be willing to take on some of the responsibility for the effort. Make sure that you don't leave it all up to everyone else but you; this will ensure that you will never get him back, no matter how right he was for you.
Also keep in mind that you don't need to go confront him physically the moment that you have made this decision. A sudden meeting after a long time apart can be shocking, so ease back into it with something like a phone call or an email first. Think about thanking for the good times, and asking if they want to get together for something mild and non-threatening. This can go a long way towards getting you the results that you want.
When you are asking can I get my boyfriend back, you will find that the answer is most definitely yes, if only you can keep a few things in mind. Don't get thrown off by things that you can't control and remember that if you don't try, you'll never know!
Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Question On What Can I do To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back Has Been Revealed
You always on a dilemma thinking what have you done wrong and philosophizing about everything that could have been done differently. The truth is the real reasons behind a devastating breakup is quite difficult to determine. Whatever it is, there is a big chance for you to continue on your relationship with your ex girlfriend if you apply some strategies.
In order to answer the question about "What can I do to get my girlfriend back", you need to stay cool and do not panic. If you panic, you will make a harsh decision or taking unnecessary action that could destroy your chances of getting her back. You do not need to call her several time or send her thousand of messages and emails. Just leave her alone for a while.
Once you know to stay cool, it will help you with the next step. You need to forget about your ex girlfriend for a while. Not one day or two days, but at least more than one month. Both of you need the space to think and cool off. Do your normal daily routine without ever to think about your ex girlfriend. I know it is hard but you really need to do it.
After a while, you will cherish the relationship you use to have with your ex and you will automatically change your life for the better. During this stage, your ex will probably miss you like crazy already. This is where you need to play hard to get but not too much. Show her that you can still live like normal without her presence.
Believe it or not, your ex will respect you even more and she will feel regret leaving you before. During this stage, it does not matter who start calling each other first but you really need to stay cool. When you finally get together with your ex and start going out for a date again, do not ever talk about your last breakup. You need to cherish her more and give her the attention she deserves but still you have to set a limit.
Now that the question on "What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back" has been answered, you will probably approach your life in a whole new light. See how easy it is to make your ex crazy about you again. All it takes just a cooling off period. I wish you all the best in your relationship.
A breakthrough in getting your ex back in your arms and this time for good. Thanks to The Magic Of Making Up.
Now you can stop your breakup, divorce or lovers rejection... even if your situation seems hopeless!
Check out for more details.
How to Get Your Girlfriend Back by Just Leaving Her Alone
The first thing you should do is leave her alone for the time being. I know that it can be the most difficult thing to do but believe me, harassing her or begging her to take you back after you just broke up isn't going to get her back. You must take some time to get your head together. You have to analyze what went wrong in the relationship before you can fix it. You didn't breakup for no reason, there were serious problems that lead to the breakup.
Once you have had some time to cool off and get past the shock of the breakup, then and only then should you be thinking about trying to get back your girlfriend. Get out and live your life as if you have accepted the breakup and you are moving on even if it doesn't feel right. Always look your best when you go out. When you happen to run in to your ex girlfriend she will see that you are doing well and that will get her thinking about you again.
When she sees you she will probably be surprised that you look so well and you seem to have moved on with your life without her. This a good time to start talking with her again when she surprisingly sees you are doing great without her. This way she might think that breaking up with you may have been a mistake and make her realize what she's missing.
There is no exact way on how to get your girlfriend back that will work 100% because every situation is different, but when you don't contact each other for a while at the beginning of the breakup it gives you both time to calm down and think about everything and see if you still have strong feelings for each other.
Having specific steps to follow when such heartbreaking things like this happen in your life is important because guys don't always have someone to talk to who can give them good advice. When I got dumped I search everywere for advice on what to do and how to get my girlfriend back the right way because I wanted her back so badly. I found what I needed here at
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009
How to Get a Girl Back - Four Techniques
Some of these techniques are psychological while others are things you'll have to change about yourself. All right, now on to the techniques involved.
The first thing is psychological. You'll need to take a good look at the relationship and decide what really went wrong. Was it something you did or said? Did you become too comfortable in the relationship and take her for granted? Do you really want her back, faults and all? Has she moved on to a new boyfriend, forgetting about you already?
The second thing involves using a little romantic ingenuity to help patch things up. Do little things that will show how much you care. For example, show up at her home or workplace with a box of chocolates and a rose to apologize for you're past actions. Make up apology cards and send one to her each day for a week or two. If this simple idea doesn't work, and you'll be lucky if that's all it takes, you will need to move on to more involved methods of how to get her back.
The third technique is to become her friend again. You probably started your relationship as friends and somewhere along the way lost that friendship. Get it back. Call her up and invite her to her favorite lunch spot, take her to a ballgame, or simply spend time talking at the park. This will keep you on her mind.
The fourth technique is more of a sneaky, manipulative approach. Begin dating other women. She could be jealous and want you back. It might seem hard but using these four techniques on how to get a girl back can increase your chances of success.
For more help on how to get a girl back go to to get more workable strategies that will help you get your relationship back to where you want it.
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Monday, February 9, 2009
How To Get An Ex Back And This Time For Real
However, all are not lost. There is still a chance for you to get your ex and this time for real. What you need right now is a proper guidance and a little bit of strategy on the steps you should take to win your girlfriend or boyfriend back.
First of all, you must know what exactly happened that cause your breakup. A breakup occurs for a reason. Here is a tip, once you know the cause, write it down in a piece of paper so will keep on reminding yourself not to do the same mistake again. Learning your mistake is very important because this can improve your relationship with your ex even further. You cannot go back to the past to change it, but you still can prevent it to happen in the future.
Now that we have that one clear out, it is time to go for the next step.
Being cool or stay calm after a devastating breakup will help you in your quest on how to get an ex back. You cannot panic because you might do something crazy that you might regret on. Hurting or killing yourself will not bring your ex back. Always put that in your mind. It is really a waste of time.
After a breakup, do your best to stay away from your ex. Both of you deserve some space and need time to think about the situation. Consider this as the cooling period in your relationship. How long you should stay away? The minimum amount will be one month and not days or weeks. Your ex will miss you because you are staying away and this is a good thing to win him or her back.
During the cooling period, live your live like you normally do. Go to work, hang out with your friends, take a long vacation and so many more you can do. This can help you forget about your ex entirely and at the same time make you feel happy again.
After all the above have been done, your ex might contact you again or you can make your move first. Give her a call and start talking. It is always important to play hard to get if you want your ex back. Do not be too obvious showing that you cannot live without your ex.Let your ex see how strong and self confident you are, and they will feel inspired to get back together with you.
A breakthrough in getting your ex back in your arms and this time for good. Thanks to The Magic Of Making Up.
Now you can stop your breakup, divorce or lovers rejection... even if your situation seems hopeless!
Check out for more details.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Get Your Wife Back - Show Her You Still Love Her
There are some things you can do to help get her back.
For one thing, you will need to analyze why your marriage is failing or failed to begin with. This is the first thing you as a couple will need to agree on if things are going to work out. What was the problem? Did she feel you lost interest in the marriage? Or was it financial problems? Or maybe she just fell out of love with you? Once you identify the problem, you can begin working on improving the situation.
Do some soul searching if you truly want to reconcile. Be honest. If you really do want to get back together, you will have to make some changes and sacrifices so things won't return to the old ways that caused the breakup. Don't push or bother her by constantly trying to get in touch with her. This makes you look desperate and could be a major turn off to her. The same can be said about begging, arguing and pleading with her.
Keep your confidence. Don't go around feeling blue and negative. Try to find ways to stay occupied while you work out the problems. Let her see you happy and strong, capable of surviving the emotional situation.
You'll need to have patience and be understanding of any decisions she makes while you are separated. Be willing to listen to how she feels. Be supportive in her decisions. Be there as her friend. She'll know you still care by your show of concern. Both of you have been hurt and are angry, so you'll need to show patience with her. Now the door is open to get your wife back!
If you need more help to get your wife back go to and find more strategies and resources to save your marriage before it's too late.
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Saturday, February 7, 2009
5 Steps On How To Save My Relationship After Cheating
Cheating has a devastating effect, not just on a couple's bond but can also impact family and friends. If your partner has cheated on you then you will be receiving a lot of advice from people about whether to leave the relationship or to save it. If it's the latter, you need to apply some proven techniques if it is to have any chance of surviving a second coming.
Don't fall into the trap of trying to resurrect it on your own. This rarely works and achieves nothing except establishing low self esteem and in a strange way, almost giving a tick of approval to your partner. If there are children involved then the decision to give it another try makes some sense but only if you are both committed to working together to get your partnership back on track.
How To Save My Relationship After Cheating
1. First you have to get to the bottom of the extent of the infidelity. How long has it been going on? How many times have they cheated? Was it a one time episode? This is the crucial first step because unless you know the full truth then reality is that it will likely be just a patch up job and the likelihood of it continuing is strong
2. Avoid the temptation to get your own back by returning the favor and cheating on your partner. By doing this you've suddenly doubled the problem and in all fairness, if either of you are capable of being unfaithful then simply end the relationship now.
3. Try to get to the bottom of why your partner strayed. If they are a serial strayer then head for the door but if it is just a one-time occurrence then look for something a little deeper. Look at your behavior as well; is there anything you've done or are doing differently from when you first met. Have your partner be honest with the way he feels about you and the issues he has. In other words, it's time to be honest with each other now and unless you are, it will be difficult moving forward.
4. Saving your relationship after cheating once you established the underlying cause requires some getting back to the past. In other words, think about when you first met. What you both liked to do together. Start dating again or take a weekend trip away even if it's only and hour or two from where you live. get involved in activities together and most of all, be with friends who treat you as an inseparable couple.
5. Under no circumstances bring up the past indiscretion. Don't be tempted to get back at your partner in an argument by dredging up their shortcomings of the past.
Want to know the shortcut to getting your ex back? Discover the secrets thousands have used to win back their ex. Grab the most important book ever written on making up - The Magic Of Making Up at:
Friday, February 6, 2009
How Do I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back Without Lying to Him?
The first thing you'll need to do is to begin by building trust into the relationship. You can do this in several ways.
Prove to him you are dependable and predictable. He needs to know that you'll be there when he needs you and that he can rely on you to do the things you say you will. This doesn't mean that once you have him back, you can't spice things up once in a while. It just means you need to be consistent to make the relationship work.
Communicate with him. Always make sure your words you are saying match your body language. If you say you are glad to see him but have frown on your face and your arms crossed, do you really think he will believe you're happy to see him? He needs to be able to trust your words.
As he begins to trust you, you begin to win his desire to rekindle the relationship. He'll see you as an honest and trustworthy partner.
Be honest. By keeping secrets, you destroy the relationship. Be as honest and open in every conversation with him as possible. Don't keep secrets that will eventually come out anyway.
Finally, let him know your needs and find out his needs. Be willing to fulfill his needs without smothering him. Be his friend but allow him room to grow. Listen to his turmoil, his questions and his fears.
Winning his trust back will take some time and a lot of work. But having trust in each other and the relationship will make it stronger. Now you know the answer to the question: How do I get my ex boyfriend back without lying to him?
If you need more help on how to get your boyfriend back go to and find more resources and proven strategies that have help many others in similar situations get their ex back.
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Thursday, February 5, 2009
Can I Get My Ex Back Even If My Situation Seems Hopeless and Impossible?
What makes things worse is that whenever we think this is the right thing to do, it is most often the wrong move. Perhaps, you can say that most of the time, you should do something that seems counter intuitive instead.
For example, if you feel like calling your ex, it is probably not the right thing to do. If you feel like professing your undying love, it is recommended that you think twice. If you feel like arguing over the break up, then it is very likely to be the wrong move.
In the paragraphs that follow, we shall go through some counter intuitive techniques. Now, chances are you are going to dismiss these techniques altogether. However, these techniques have been proven to work in even the most tricky situation. If you have tried everything to get your ex back but has no success, it is probably time to look for more effective techniques.
Counter Intuitive Technique 1
Instead of arguing, you should agree with the break up. It is probably a difficult thing for you to do. Therefore, you should try to understand why you should do that. The main reason is because you want to give your ex some time to start missing you again.
Remember, at the point of breaking up, your ex will probably be very upset with you especially if you are trying to nag your ex back. Which is why arguing is not going to work at that point in time. By agreeing with the break up, you will set the stage for your next move and help you get back together with your ex.
Counter Intuitive Technique 2
The next thing to do is to cut off all contact with your ex. There are 2 good reasons for doing so. First, you are probably feeling extremely upset just after a break up and you should give yourself some time to recover emotionally. Most people tend to make mistakes because they are not in the right emotional state.
By cutting off contact for the time being, you are protecting yourself from making mistakes. The next reason is to give your ex time to miss you and to get over the reasons for being upset with you.
Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Don't Make This Mistake Trying to Get Your Girlfriend Back
No matter how much you miss her and miss being with her, don't ever let her know you really need her. Most people don't like a needy person. And acting needy can be a major turn-off to a lot of women including your ex.
You appear to lack confidence and look like you're desperate when you act this way. The last thing you want is for your ex girlfriend to think you are desperate and lacking in confidence. Try to hide your desire to have her back from her. Don't act needy.
Try to win her back by being her friend and listening to her. Start apologizing for the mistakes you may have made. Make yourself more attractive to her and other women. Build your confidence and self-respect.
Move on. Begin dating other women. If she cares about you the same way as you do about her, this will make her jealous. Every once in a while mention to her nonchalantly you're dating others. Act like you don't care about her romantically. She'll eventually realize what she's missing and come back to you.
It's hard for many guys to be able to get their ex back. They sometimes just give up. Other times, they pursue her aggressively, turning her off completely. They make fools of themselves trying to prove to her how much they need her. But by not making the simple mistake of being needy while trying to get your girlfriend back you increase your chances of success.
If you feel you need more help to get your girlfriend back go to and get proven strategies that have help other guys in your situation fix their relationships with their girlfriends.
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Tuesday, February 3, 2009
How To Get Your Ex Back - 3 Greatest Blunders That Will Kill Your Relationship
Let's look at what the 3 most common mistakes are.
1) Contacting Your Ex Over And Over Again
So you have just broken up with your ex and is wondering how to get your ex back. Well, the number one thing you should avoid is to contact your ex over and over again. You certainly do not want to keep on calling your ex over and over again. Perhaps, your ex is avoiding you and is not picking up the phone, so you may have this tendency to call him or her over and over again.
Don't do that, no matter how tempting it is for you to do so. Here are a few reasons. First, it only serves to irritate your ex, making it harder for you to get your ex back. You certainly do not want your ex to get so irritated that he/she decides to cut off all contact with you. This will only create more obstacles between you and your ex.
Second, this is an act of desperation and desperation will only serve to push your ex further away.
2) Arguing Over The Break Up
Perhaps you can't accept the fact. Perhaps, you can accept the reasons given to you for the break up. Therefore, you try to prove your ex wrong. You try to argue with your ex. Well, the truth is, it doesn't matter whether you win the argument or not, because it is not going to help you win the relationship and get your ex back.
3) Telling Your Ex You Love Him or Her
In a final attempt to get your ex back, you profess your undying love. Unfortunately, if your relationship has already reached this stage, it is probably too late to say "I love you". The fact is a break up doesn't happen all of a sudden. There are one or more underlying issues that lead to your break up. Professing your undying love is not going to help you to get your ex back.
Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Where Can I Get Free Advice on How to Get Back My Ex
One good way is to ask friends who have been in the same situation. They can tell you the things they did to win their ex back. They will help you analyze your feelings and determine if the relationship was worth restoring.
Another great option is the Internet. You can find all kinds of free advice online. There are web pages from therapists and other professionals. There are free articles and blogs giving free advice. There are forums where people gather to share information on relationships. You can even find plans on helping you get your ex back.
No matter where you find free advice you need to keep a clear head and take action. Stop any negative thoughts regarding the breakup. Don't beg and pester your ex trying to get them to take you back. Don't argue or plead about your past relationship. Focus on making positive changes in your life. Change your appearance or your job. Learn a new skill or hobby. Go out with friends to the movies.
Don't play games, lie or try to trick them. Manipulating them won't help the relationship in the long run. Try to be as honest as possible. Keep your communication open and friendly. Don't badger them to talk to you.
On the Internet and through friends, I found many ways to get free advice on how to get my ex back.
Get more help and proven methods on how to get your ex lover back in your life at
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Sunday, February 1, 2009
How To Get Back Together With Your Ex - The First 2 Steps
Is it truly possible to get back together with your ex? No friend or relationship counselor can give you an exact answer, because each relationship is unique and so are the reasons why it ended. But a lot of people have broken up and got back together again, so it's certainly not impossible. You have to figure out if it's possible in your case!
How can you do this? Firstly, sit down and make an honest assessment of the kind of relationship you shared, and whether the effort to get back to it will be worth. Be truly honest with yourself. It may hurt and humiliate you, but it will eventually save you from hurt and humiliation later. Was the break-up an act of impulse, or was there something deeply wrong with the relationship? Had your boyfriend or girlfriend stopped loving you? Was there cheating involved? If they did something wrong, are you ready to forgive it? If you did something wrong, are you ready to make up for it until you're forgiven?
If there was a disagreement between the two of you, are you willing to make a compromise and go on with the relationship? The break-up would not have changed your ex as a person, so remember that you're trying to go back to the same relationship with the same person, make sure you have the necessary points covered. After doing this, if you still think you should get back together with your ex, go ahead to the next step.
The second step is to make yourself look like you don't need your ex back to survive. An ex-boyfriend or girlfriend comes back only if they think that they need you again, not because you cannot live without them. So give them that space to miss you. Don't call them too often. Don't wallow in depression. If you used to spend a lot of time with them, find yourself new hobbies and activity partners to fill that time.
This works in two ways: if your ex still needs you, it will give them the required loneliness to figure that out; and if your ex really doesn't need you and you are not destined to get back together with your ex, you will eventually have wasted less time worrying over them.
New hobbies and friends will also help you figure out if you really need your ex back in your life. Sometimes we miss people only because they had become a comfortable habit. Changing your habits will make you realize if you miss your ex for the unique person they are, or just the habit they had become. New interests will also make you new friends, and who knows if you find your next, more compatible partner among them!
After all this, if you still want to get back together with your ex, you will have to depend on honesty and hope. Talk to your ex frankly, discuss your chances of getting back together and the compromises both of you might have to make. Don't hurt them in return of the hurt they've caused you, don't emotionally blackmail them by begging, and don't make promises you don't intend to keep, because that will only make you break up again. If nothing else, you'll end up winning a friend who has known you closely and you'll live with the assurance that you had tried your best!
Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.