Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tactics To Avoid When Trying To Get Back With An Ex

There are a few things that you should avoid doing when you are trying to get back with an ex girlfriend or boyfriend. If you do these things when you are trying to get back together with someone, you are going to find that your exes aren't going to want to get back together with you and that things are going to end up worse than they already were.

Here are the things that you should avoid doing when you are trying to get back with someone:

Seeking revenge

The first thing that you should avoid doing when you are trying to get back with an ex is to seek revenge. It's something that never ends up well and you are going to make things worse than they already are. No matter how bad the breakup was, you are not going to win any points by seeking revenge and you aren't going to win your ex back either.

Slandering your ex

The second thing that you shouldn't do is to slander your ex. Breakups are hard enough for people without saying bad things about your ex and making them look bad. Your ex is feeling bad and making them feel even worse isn't going to accomplish anything. The person who is your ex isn't going to want to get back together with you if you are speaking meanly about them and saying things that aren't true.

Trying to make your ex jealous

Even though jealousy is something that a lot of people use in order to make people want to get back with them, it's never a good tactic. It can backfire on you, making you end up with someone who you really don't have feelings for. It can also cause a lot of hurt feelings, including the feelings of your ex and the feelings of the person who you are using.

Revisiting old arguments

Another mistake that people make when it comes to trying to get their exes back is that they bring up old arguments. They care for the person so much that they are trying every tactic that they can to hold onto the person. But old arguments are simply going to make an ex remember the bad times not the good.

Trying to contact them all the time

Nothing looks more desperate than someone who is trying to constantly get in touch with an ex. Instead of constantly emailing, calling, or texting your ex nonstop, call them once and give them a chance to get back to you.

Even though it's natural to use the tactics which are listed above to make an ex want to get back with you, you don't want to use any of them because they aren't going to end well. They are all improper tactics and they are all going to make things end up worse than they already were. It's better to think about what your ex might want and why you broke up, and then see what you can do to make things better for the two of you.

If you're still looking for more advice on getting your girlfriend back then keep reading. If moving on and forgetting all about her is not what you want, you need to get her back the right way

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