Sunday, June 21, 2009

How To Get Ex Back- Are You Struggling?

What ever the reason was you and your ex split up make sure you do one thing. DO NOT go crawling back to your ex with a mindset of desperation. Pretend if you can for a minute that the rolls were reversed. Say you broke up with your ex and they came back begging and offering anything they could think of just to get you to come back. Would you look at that as cute or sweet? I'm thinking you would most likely look at it as pathetic. You can save your relationship if you learn the proper steps on how to get an ex back.

Take the time after the break up to hang out with your friends. Go do some things with your friends that are fun. Don't just hang out with them and tell them how upset you are and how much you want to get your ex back. Do things that will boost your confidence and get you feeling good again. What you don't want to do is follow, text or call them all the time. I know there are things you've just thought of to say but you must give them space. Nothing will push someone further away than the feeling they are being smothered.

Once you are feeling a little more emotionally stable, take the time to really look at what happened. Can you put yourself in your ex's s shoes? Looks a little different doesn't it. Being able to look at things from both sides will take you a long way in trying to mend your relationship.

After a few weeks contact them and ask them to meet you somewhere. If you have been really thinking about the things that went on in your relationship then you should have a fair amount of things to talk about. Tell them you just want to talk and are expecting nothing else. Bring down their guard immediately by apologizing for some of the things you've thought about. This is not an easy thing to do but if you really want to succeed it's part of how to get back with ex.

What your trying to do is make sure they know that you miss them while not making it seem like your desperate. Once you learn all the proper steps of how to get ex back it can be easier than you think.

Sometimes saving a relationship requires some help learning how to get ex back. Learn other strategies that will take you closer to your goal at

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