Sunday, March 1, 2009

How To Get Back Together With My Ex Fast - Should I or Should I Not?

If you have broken up with your ex boyfriend or girlfriend but you just can't forget him or her, then you are probably wondering how to get back together with your ex as soon as possible. In fact, you might even wonder if it is indeed possible to get back an ex.

Well, here is the truth. Getting an ex back is definitely not an easy thing to do, depending on your personal situation. There is always the worry that you will do something wrong and end up pushing your ex further away instead of attracting him or her back to your side.

However, don't give up yet! That doesn't mean winning your ex back is impossible. It can definitely be done but you just got to have realistic expectation. Do not expect to get your ex back within a few days as that is simply not realistic, especially if the reason that causes your break up is a serious one.

Now, before you start the process to woo your ex back, it is probably a good idea to ask yourself a few questions. First, and probably the most important question is, "Do you think it is worth it to get back into the relationship?"

If your relationship is an abusive one, you really have to think twice. And when I say abuse, it doesn't necessary have to be the physical one. Emotional abuse is also considered a type of abuse, and may even be more common than the physical type.

So, don't think that only women can be abused. Men can also be the victim too! Does your ex help you to become more confident about yourself or does your ex undermine your self esteem all the time.

Obviously, I can't help you to answer the question. This is really something that you need to give a thought. It is simply not worth it to get back into an abusive relationship. Don't be fooled that your partner will change. Well, to be fair, there might be exceptions. Maybe, your partner may truly regret his or her behavior. But most of the time, people don't change their abusive behavior overnight.

If you truly believe that getting back together will make both of you happier, then by all means, go for it! But before taking any concrete action, it will be important to know what those common mistakes are so that you can avoid them.

Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.

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