Saturday, January 31, 2009

How to Get Him Back After You Realized You Screwed Up

I was strolling downtown one day, when I happened to catch a glimpse of my on-again off-again boyfriend having lunch with another woman. I quickly passed by before he spotted me. We had just broken up a couple of weeks earlier. I realized I screwed up when I told him I wanted a break from the relationship. I know I still love him and am desperate to win him back. But I don't know how to get him back.

I sat down with a few girlfriends who all seemed to have good relationships with their guys. I wanted to know their secrets. Some of the questions and answers we discussed really opened up my eyes.

I asked what the first thing is I should do to win him back. Lindsey advised me to evaluate my relationship. What are the good things about the relationship and the bad things? Does the good outweigh the bad? What went wrong? Is there any romance left? Is it simply little annoying habits he has or you have that can be worked out or is it more an issue of trusting each other? Once I know what the issues are, I can work on improving them.

Cindy said to be there for him as a friend. Make him aware how much your friendship means to you. Why not spend time doing things you did in the beginning of the relationship? Just spending time talking to each other can open up the possibilities of renewing the relationship.

Becky said I should ask him out to dinner. You know, just because you're not together any longer doesn't mean you can't have fun together. Remind him of the special times you've had together by taking him to his favorite place to eat. Sarah suggested I start dating other men. Hey, if he's jealous when he sees me with someone else maybe I will be irresistible to him. Just make sure the other person doesn't get hurt in the process.

I decided to give these strategies a try. I mean, what did I have to lose anyway? I was already desperate. I hoped their suggestions on how to get him back worked!

If you need more help on how to get him back go to and find proven resources and strategies that have help many others in your situation.

Article Source:

How to Get Your Boyfriend Back When You Feel Desperate

Finding the right person to spend the rest of our lives with makes us happy and confident. We feel we're capable of doing anything. Unfortunately, sometimes the relationship will breakup. You feel depressed, knowing for sure he was the one. You want to know. How can you get your boyfriend back when you are desperate? Well let's take a look at some ways that can help.

One: Keep a clear head. Stop stressing about the relationship and if you have a future together. However you can, stop thinking about how desperately you want him back. This improves the way you communicate with him, improving your chances of getting him back.

Two: Become confident by changing your appearance and attitude. Don't mope around, feeling sorry for yourself, letting your appearance and job fall apart. Give him something to really notice. Start working out and get a new hairstyle. Get a better job. Anything to create the positive changes he'll notice.

Three: Don't beg him to return. It's hard when you will do anything to get your ex boyfriend back but you need to be strong. Stay calm and focus on making changes and going out with others.

Four: Remember what caused the breakup. Don't dwell on it, but keep it in mind as a learning experience. If you remember it, you won't be as likely to make the same mistakes in the future with him.

Five: Have a plan of how to get him back. A logical plan of ways to get his attention and make the changes needed to get your ex.

Six: Remain friends. Let him know you are there to listen and enjoy his friendship. Make sure he understands you are just his friend and not pressuring him romantically. Ask him to dinner. Take him to his favorite sporting event. Hang out over a game of pool.

If you really want to know how to get your boyfriend back when your desperate, you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and make the changes to win him back.

If you need more help and you are desperate to get your ex boyfriend back then go to and find more proven methods that will help you get your boyfriend back.

Article Source:

Simple Ways on How to Get Your Girlfriend Back

Roger knew he had to figure out a way to get together with his girlfriend. He had tried to forget her but she was constantly on his mind. So he had to come up with a plan to get her back. He decided to do some research on how to get your girlfriend back.

If you're secretly pining away for your girlfriend there are many ways to win her back. You simply need to take some time and think about what went wrong and take a few steps in the right direction.

First analyze the reasons for the breakup to begin with.

Was it entirely your fault or was there a mutual reason?

Is there another guy involved?

Have there been some major changes in her or your life?

What about your annoying habits? Were they driving her crazy?

Once you know the answers to these questions, you'll have a better idea of your success in getting her back. For instance, if there is another guy involved, you probably won't be able to get her back.

Sometimes in a long-term relationship we become too comfortable, getting lazy and careless in our appearance and attitude. If it's a matter of appearance, opt for a new look and clean up your style. Develop confidence and an interesting personality to draw her back.

Once you've made these changes, contact her. Let her know you're still there for her as a friend. Invite her for lunch every once in a while or grab a quick game of pool or other sport you enjoyed together. Reminisce about the good times you had in the beginning of the relationship. You might begin dating other women. This could make her jealous enough to want you all to herself. Eventually, she'll begin to realize what a great catch you were and will be more open to moving onto the next step.

With a little work, Roger's research began to pay off. He took steps to begin changing and was thankful he had learned how to get your girlfriend back techniques that worked.

If you are like Roger and need some help on how to your girlfriend back then go to to find more proven strategies and resources to get your lover back.

Article Source:

Friday, January 30, 2009

Get Your Ex Back by Doing and Saying the Right Things

If you have recently broken up with your partner but are still talking, even minimally, there is hope in salvaging the relationship...but communication is key. At this stage emotions are on a roller coaster ride and both parties need to be aware of each others feelings. Use these 7 tips to help open the lines of communication.

1. Sharing Thoughts and Feelings

Don't make the other person feel stupid for what they're feeling. Rolling of the eyes or scoffing at remarks just builds more barriers.

2. Support

Do give the other support and reaffirm what it is you heard them say and acknowledge that they have a right to their feelings.

3. Talk Out Your Differences

Do understand that at this stage you and your partner won't always get along. Realize that there will be differences of opinions because it's a natural occurrence for all couples.

Don't let those "differences" get out of control. Now is the time to talk out those differences and come up with some kind of comprise that both can live with.

4. Listen

This is probably the hardest of all. Being able to listen to your partner when they need it encourages them to keep the lines of communication open.

Don't interrupt them. Let them say what they need to and then take your turn. There is no quicker way to shut down the conversation than when a partner feels that the other person isn't listening.

5. Build Trust and Honesty

Do tell your partner the truth about your feelings and avoid lying. Lies will only build on other lies and will ultimately kill trust in a partnership completely.

Don't hold back on the true feelings you really want to express by keeping thoughts or feelings bottled up inside you. Now is the time to find out if your partner really supports those feelings. When those feelings do surface, don't let them come out in a torrent of anger. Doing so will only hurt the other person.

6. Take Things Seriously

If your partner brings up a concern they have, take it seriously. Don't brush it off as nonsense. If it's a concern for them, it needs to be worked out, so help support them in that matter. If you don't take it seriously, they won't take you seriously and communication will cease to exist.

7. Stay Positive

Do maintain a positive attitude with your partner as much as possible. It's not always easy to do, especially if the break up was really nasty, but it is essential for communication.

Negative attitudes build barriers to communication. A positive attitude encourages more communication and allows a relationship to grow.

Re-establishing lines of communication is probably one of the best places to start in getting your ex back. Maintaining these key points in your relationship can ensure that the lines of communication will stay open. You can grow a healthy relationship that will last a lifetime.

Richard is a physical therapist and health promoter. Don't blow your chances of getting back with your ex, discover the secret techniques taught in The Magic Of Making Up course by visiting today!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How To Make Your Ex Pursue You After A Breakup

Break ups take the life force out of you, particularly if breaking up was not your idea or you realize that your decision to breakup was a huge mistake. You don't feel like participating in life and things you used to like doing hold no joy at all.

The only thing on your mind is getting your ex back no matter what it takes, but there's a major problem. Your ex is either non-responsive or pulls the other way. At this point you may be surprised to know that you can actually make them pursue instead of you chasing them.

For starters, you'll need to fix your appearance and start looking good again. No more drooped shoulders and long faces, you need to look confident. Emitting an aura of confidence is attractive and your ex will notice along with everyone else. Your ex didn't fall for you because you were depressed and moping about. Become the person they fell for in the first place.

Now you're looking good you need to find the strength to get out of the house and experience life again. Go places with friend whose company you enjoy and are upbeat and fun. Enjoy yourself, have fun, don't let your ex see that you feel your life is falling apart. Careful though, if your ex thinks that you are trying to make them jealous it could ruin your whole plan. The idea is to remind them of the strong and confident person they fell in love with in the first place.

One of the number one rules after a breakup is to keep contact with your ex to an absolute minimum so that your ex will have the chance to miss you. When they are given the time to miss you and see or hear about the strong, confident person out having fun it may just prompt your ex to start pursuing you. Wouldn't that be great? I realize that keeping contact to a minimum is difficult because all you want to do is be with them, but the fact that minimal contact gives them the opportunity to make your ex miss you makes this tactic too powerful to ignore.

These few tips aren't hard a fast rules of getting your ex back, but they are certainly a good place to start. Many people are reconciling with their ex every day and you can too. You just need to show your ex that you are still the person they fell for.

Sharon Reid posts new tips and techniques about getting back together with your ex on one of her blogs at most days.

Monday, January 26, 2009

How To Get My Ex Back Even If I Am The Only One Trying

How to get my ex back even if my situation seems completely hopeless? Perhaps, you have been feeling troubled over the question above for a very long time.

Well, the good news is, a break up doesn't necessarily have to be the end of a relationship, unless you allow it to be so. While there is no guarantee that you will definitely be able to get your ex back, there is always a chance for you to succeed even if you are the only one trying and your ex doesn't seem to be doing anything.

The fact is couple get back together a lot of time, more often than you know of, even in some of the most impossible situation. If they can do it, there is a good chance that you may be able to get your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back too.

Therefore, instead of worrying about whether you can get your ex back, it will be more constructive to spend your energy in learning how to get your ex back instead. The fact is, if you are the only one trying, then you need to go and do something about it in order to get your ex back.

Perhaps, one important step is to avoid some of the most common mistakes that many guys and gals made when they are trying to get their ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend back.

If you have just broken up with your ex a few days ago, it is best not to contact him or her for the time being as you are probably not in the right emotional state now. Your tendency to make mistakes during this period of time will be so much higher.

You should only attempt to contact your ex when you are more stable emotionally. Also, when contacting your ex, you do not want to make this mistake, calling your ex over and over again.

This usually happen when you call, and your ex is not picking up the phone. Every time you call, all you hear is a voice mail. So, you may start to feel panic and keep on calling over and over again. This is quite a common mistake and is one mistake that you will definitely want to avoid.

This is because you don't want to give your ex the impression that you are feeling desperate. Desperation will only tend to push your ex further away. By knowing the mistakes to avoid, you will have a much higher chance to get your ex back.

Watch 2 videos that shows you how to train your ex to treat you better and how not to push your ex away again once you have overcome his or her initial resistance.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How To Get Back With An Ex In 5 Steps

First of all let me say "YES relationships CAN be salvaged" but there is work involved and you definitely need a plan on how to get back with an ex. You can't beg a person to come back. You need to fully understand why the relationship ended and what needs to be done to fix it. Couples reunite everyday but not all of them stay reunited. You will stand a better chance at salvaging that relationship if you learn the right things to say and do. Here are 5 important steps that will help you get back with an ex.

1. Just Accept The Break Up!

This will be difficult at first but accepting the break up allows you time to clear your head. Tell your ex that you are okay with it, and allow the "moving on" process to begin. When you do this, it will eliminate a large amount of tension and stress that you have been experiencing. Your ex needs time to think about the relationship as well. If your ex realizes that he or she still loves you, they will find a way to get back with you.

2. Don't Call, Email or Text Your Ex!

This goes in line with accepting the break up. You should cut communication off with him or her so that there can be some "thinking time". This may seem counterintuitive, but by cutting communication off you are signaling that you have already moved on and that you are doing just fine.

To get back with an ex sometimes you need to separate yourself from them and can calm your nerves. This may be the best time to let them realize how important you were to them and allow them to start missing you again.

3. Plan Ahead for the Get Together

If at this point you still feel like you can get back with an ex, then this is where you can start thinking when you should meet, where you should meet, and also what should be said when you do meet up again. This will allow you to get a better idea of whether or not your ex still loves you, and also if there is any chance that you and your ex will be able to get back together.

4. Talk Out Your Differences

You both need to understand that at this stage you and your partner won't always get along. Realize that there will be differences of opinions because it's a natural occurrence for all couples. However, don't let those "differences" get out of control. Now is the time to talk out those differences and come up with some kind of comprise that both can live with.

5. Be A Good Listener!

Wow! Sounds like a "no brainer" right? So many couples screw this one up and it is one of the most important elements if you want to get back with an ex.

Being able to listen to your partner when they need it encourages them to keep the lines of communication open. Don't interrupt them. Let them say what they need to and then take your turn. There is no quicker way to shut down the conversation than when a partner feels that the other person isn't listening.

These are just the beginning steps to get back with an ex. Consider them the essential stepping stones to rebuilding that relationship. Apply them then listen to your heart to make things work between you and your ex lover.

Richard is a physical therapist and health promoter. If you want to learn more on "How To Get Back With An Ex" visit us at for a full page of tips.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Things to Consider Before Remarrying Your Ex

We hear about it more and more all the time, Couples who couldn't make it work, got divorced, started dating again, and got married a second time. It seems that a lot of people are finding their way back to an old flame and trying to make it work the second time around.

There are a lot of success stories out there about people who have gotten married a second time, but there are also a lot of horror stories. Is it a good idea to remarry your ex? Can you make it work? What is the difference between those that are successful and those that are not?

It's important to remember why the marriage didn't work in the first place. If they were constantly cheating on you or they were physically abusive you really need to stop and think about whether these are things that are going to change. Many times these are things that are built into the character of the person and are hard to change.

Why would you want to remarry someone that you couldn't stay married to before? There are a lot of people who make it work, but be sure that you haven't gone back to your ex because you're comfortable with them or you know what to expect. Don't settle for someone just because you know who they are and you are tired of trying to figure out other people.

Do you have any indication that things will go better this time around? It's hard enough to get married and divorced once let alone twice to the same person. If you don't have any clear cut indications that things will be different this time around, why get married again? Really look at the relationship for what it is and not what you want it to be to be sure that this is something that is more likely to work than it was before.

You should make sure when you are spending time with your ex that you are not just falling back into familiar behavioral patterns. This is a mistake that many people make. Be sure that you create new boundaries and new behaviors inside of the relationship otherwise the relationship is destined to follow the same path that it did the first time around.

You don't have to get married. Don't feel like you have to get married just because that is what you did before. Many people live very happily together without ever being married to each other. Don't seal your fate just because you feel as though you should be married.

These are some serious things to consider before you marry anyone, especially your ex husband or wife. Divorce is hard, no matter who you are or what your relationship has been like, so be sure that you really stop and take time to consider why you are choosing to get married to the same person that you married unsuccessfully last time.

If you consider all of these things honestly and still feel comfortable with the idea of marrying, chances are your heart and mind are in the right place and your marriage has as much chance of surviving as any!

Rodrigo Rehn is a Relationships Expert, Linux Systems Administrator, Web Programmer, PHP Developer and CEO of Online dating services.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How Can I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back? Be Nice

If you've just been through a breakup, you're probably wondering, "Can I get my ex back" at least several times a day. Every relationship is different, so every break up is different. But there are some things you can do to help get him back.

Be nice.

That might go without saying, but some people think nagging is the best way to get what they want. It's not. If you nag, complain or act unpleasant, you're just reminding your ex of things he wants to get away from. If you make things uncomfortable every time you see him, he'll only want to see you less and less.

The last thing you want to do is drive him farther away. Be as pleasant as you can whenever you're around him. If you can be pleasant, then whatever problems you had before the breakup probably don't seem nearly as important now. You might find yourself wondering why you weren't more pleasant when you were together.

You can't change the past, but do remember that later when you're back together. Point it out to him, and let him know that you did take him for granted. He probably took you for granted too, but don't expect him to admit it now.

Some other things you might be thinking of trying could either be disastrous or they could work in your favor.

Can I get my ex boyfriend back if he has a girlfriend?

This is probably the hardest situation to overcome. Not only is it difficult to be alone with him if he has someone else, he's focused on the new relationship. You're part of the past, and not a priority. Being nice right now is crucial. You have to make him see how wonderful you are and how much he's missing. There are definitely ways to handle this situation successfully.

Can I get my ex boyfriend back by trickery?


No matter what kind of deception you're thinking of, even if it doesn't seem harmful--forget it now. Even the most innocent-seeming lie or exaggeration could backfire later. What's the point of figuring out how to get him back only to lose him a little while later because he finds out about your dishonesty? Don't chance it, just be honest--all the time.

Obviously, this is just the beginning and there are more steps to take and aspects to consider. The important thing is that you stay focused and positive. There is a lot of advice available to you and you owe it to yourself to look at as much as you can and see what will work for you.

To learn about more positive steps you can take to successfully get your ex back, go to

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How Can I Get My Ex Back? With a Cheerful and Confident Attitude

A breakup with a boyfriend or with a girlfriend can be really depressing, but it does not need to mean that the relationship is over. A breakup can suddenly leave you feeling confusion and loneliness. You may still feel really eager to heal the wounds and jump right back in to that relationship with your ex. If you are asking yourself "How can I get my ex back?", then there are some things you need to know. If you learn how to react following a break up, then getting your ex back will be easier than ever. You need to become aware of how not to strain the relationship even further and believe it or not, a cheerful and confident attitude may be the key.

Of course, it can seem hard for you to keep up a cheerful attitude throughout the day following a breakup, but relationship experts believe that an optimistic and confident attitude can go a long way. Here are some of the ways that a confident attitude can answer the question "how can I get my ex back?"

Keep your confidence - If you are asking "how can I get my ex back?", keep the depression out of your demeanor. You should remain confident and upbeat, rather than going around feeling gloomy. Try to find ways that you can keep yourself occupied and happy. This will allow your ex boyfriend or girlfriend to know that you are strong and that you are more than capable of handling such an emotional situation, and also that you are capable of surviving on your own as well. Show your strength, they'll probably realize that this is one of the traits you posess that drew them to you in the first place.

Remain socially active - Surround yourself with well wishers, positive attitudes and good friends, if getting your ex back is your primary focus, . Show your ex that people appreciate you, and that they love having you around. Your continued positive and confident attitude will help you keep supportive friends close to you. As more people begin to feel good about your presence in their lives, your ex will begin to see you in a completely new light. He or she will realize that yes, you are a good person that they simply cannot afford to let go of. This is one of the best ways to let your ex notice you in a new light. If you see your ex in a social situation, don't cower or shy away. You have every right to enjoy yourself and seeing you exude confidence and cheerfulness will wake them up to the fact that you are a fun person to be around. And they will want to continue to be around.

Maintain a good appearance - Another solution to "How can I get my ex back?" is not to let your appearance reflect your situation. It can be hard to act happy or to take care of yourself following a bad breakup. Exercise, eat a nutritous diet, go to the gym, do yoga or just get out and take a walk once or twice a day. All of these things have been proven to help you feel better and more confident about yourself, so it all works together. Pay attention to every detail of your looks, including your clothes, your make up, your hair, your stride, your shoes and even your voice. This is one of the best ways that you can let your ex know that you are doing just fine, and do not need to beg for his or her sympathy.

To learn about more positive steps you can take to successfully get your ex back, go to

Friday, January 16, 2009

You Can Get Your Ex Back-The Holidays Are Lonely Without Your Ex

Whether you ended your relationship or not the holiday season will probably be lonely without your ex. If you have no feelings left for them, you are one of the lucky ones. Perhaps you will be lonely but not totally miserable. If you still love them and entertain thoughts and dreams of getting back together you will experience intense yearnings for them during this season.

Remember the first Christmas gifts you got for each other? It probably didn't matter what they were only that the two of you were together and had found your special someone. Perhaps you still wear that special piece of clothing, jewelry or perfume while you dream of memories of being together. There is no time more special then the holidays to be a couple.

Unfortunately being alone in the holiday season is not a choice we would often make. Perhaps you are wondering if there is something to do to get them back?

It may bring tears to your eyes to see couples happily embracing, kissing, hugging enjoying the special atmosphere of the holiday season. You may arrive home after work to an empty house and find yourself curling up alone on the couch wishing the holidays had come and gone. You may struggle with attending holiday get togethers alone, perhaps you will choose to avoid some parties all together. Even church can be a lonely place without your ex.

Friends and family will hopefully be there to help you through this difficult time. They may try to convince you that you are better off without your ex and encourage you to enjoy your new found status as a single person. Friends may drag you out to parties and clubs to reawaken your interest in life. No matter what people say or do you may feel like you will never find that special someone again and you may be right.

Perhaps the only way to happiness and a joyous holiday season is to get your ex back. If you believe in your heart that your ex is the one and only then you should do what ever it takes to get them back.

However this doesn't mean to harass them with dozens of phone calls or emails. Don't beg them to see you or consider getting back together. Don't apologize and promise to change for them. Instead use a strategy that has been proven successful for thousands of other men and woman from all parts of the world.

Vincent Licursi is an expert on relationships. He recommends The Magic Of Making Up as the best way to get your ex back. For more information visit:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

You Can Get Your Ex Back-Winning Back Love Is Possible With A Good Strategy

Winning back love isn't easy but it is not impossible if you have a good strategy. The holiday season is a great time to give it a try. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years are associated with gratitude, happiness and celebration. Use the fun of the holidays to reconnect with your ex. There are some really great ways to make the season a joyous time of reunion and renewal of forgotten vows.

Enjoy the splendor of the season with your ex and a whole new attitude toward love. Perhaps you will share some time ice skating, decorating the tree or admiring your town's Christmas lights. The two of you may want to do some special Christmas time shopping together. Don't forget to hang the missal toe.

When planning to get your ex back you will want to consider putting him back on your Christmas list. But please don't go overboard. You don't want to scare him away with an expensive or elaborate gift.

It's not a good investment when you are working at getting him back and frankly, if it doesn't work out you've lost that hard earned money. So if you decide on a gift, keep it simple, subtle but meaningful. Refrain from overly expressive ideas and try to be creative in suggesting how well you connect with each other. Perhaps a special bottle of wine or tickets to a sporting event.
If you are planning to get your ex back start right away. Don't delay, set your goal, plan your attack and make it happen. With a little luck and some great advice you can have him back in your arms for Thanksgiving or maybe even sooner. Use the holiday to send your message and recreate the passion of your romance. Don't wait until it's too late.

Once you have made the decision to work to get your ex back, don't fall into the trap of repeatedly calling or text messaging them. This will definitely turn them off to the idea.
And forget about leaving multiple desperate messages on their voice mail or continually driving past their house. This too will have a negative affect on what your are trying to accomplish.
If these are the ideas you have to try and get your ex back, you should really consider getting the help of a relationship expert.

Their first piece of advice will be in fact not to call or text message. The initial strategy will center around what someone can't have is what they want the most. By being more aloof, you stir your ex's curiosity and desire.

Vincent Licursi is an expert on relationships. He recommends The Magic Of Making Up as the best way to get your ex back. For more information visit:

Monday, January 12, 2009

It Is All About Getting My Boyfriend Back

Almost everyone has experienced a powerful relationship in their life, when suddenly everything which seems so perfectly is broken off because your boyfriend wants space.Even what seems to be the perfect relationship can encounter problems because your boyfriend wants more space. He may feel this way for a number of reasons that may include family issues, personal insecurity problems, or even a fear of commitment for example. "How to get my ex back" is a question that has been asked over and over again, and here are some tips to help address this question if your boyfriend needs more space.

- You may still be in love with him but don't let him take advantage of you or allow him to damage your pride. It may be ideal to play a little bit hard to get at first, in order to show him that yes, it was his loss and not your own.

- If you believe your ex boyfriend still cares about you, talk to him once in awhile to pique his interest. Keep the topics of conversation light and the length of communication short and sweet. You can use short text messages, brief telephone calls or online chat to capture his interest and show him what he is missing without overwhelming him with your presence when he actually may need some space.

- If all goes well, he will become interested enough to give you the chance to begin to reminisce with him about the past. Keep in mind that you should focus primarily on all of the good memories associated with your relationship in the past. It is important to avoid talking about unpleasant memories or bad experiences while trying to rekindle your relationship with him as they may conjure up hurt feelings that will undo all of your hard work.

- If your boyfriend is not really responding to your subtle hints and advances, you may have to face reality and let it go. He may just need time and space to think about what he wants or perhaps he is not ready yet to get back into a relationship. On the other hand, if you see that he has taken a keener interest in how you are doing, or is responding to you in a positive way, then continue to hold his interest and encourage him to rekindle the relationship.

- If you think your ex boyfriend has sent you the right signals and wants to become involved in your life again, you can try to open your heart up to him. Tell him how you feel but don't look needy or desperate as you talk to him. If your ex is giving you signs that he is thinking of coming back to you, it would be healthy to be honest and open with him. If you feel he is not ready yet, perhaps you should slow down, step back, and let things happen more naturally.

Discover the secrets of getting your ex back with

Saturday, January 10, 2009

You Can Get Your Ex Back-Tips You Can Use

You have decided you want your ex back. Now you must find a way to make it happen. But you are not sure what the best way to do this is. First of all don't try too hard to make him come back. You can't force someone to like you. Don't email your ex or call them a hundred times a day. Don't drive by their home to see if your ex is there or if someone else is there.

Be yourself, don't make lots of changes trying to please your ex. Don't make promises or beg them to come back! If you flirt with them be very subtle, you don't want to scare them away or embarrass yourself. Be polite in your interactions and don't throw the past in their face. You will not get them back with anger or by using guilt trips.

Don't be mean or too straight forward with them. While you will want to appear reasonably happy and active don't overact. Making up lies about how everyone in the neighborhood is trying to date you is not a good approach. But casually mentioning conversations you have had with other men or women may have a positive effect. It will increase their curiosity a little and may have them thinking about you a little more. Look for signs about whether he or she may be interested or not. Remember, most people want what they cannot have.

There are some positive signs to look for to show they may still be interested. If you answer yes to at least four of these questions there is probably hope for the relationship. If you can't answer yes to any of them, you really should consider finding another love for your life.

Does your ex tease you? Does your ex look into your eyes for any length of time? Does your ex ask your friends or relatives if you are seeing anyone? Does your ex try and be helpful? Does your ex call or text you for no specific reason? Does your ex touch you? Does your ex apologize for past mistakes? Does your ex compliment your? Does your ex talk about the good times you shared? Does your ex stop by your house for no apparent reason?

If you think your ex is interested in you and you want to get back, don't waste anymore time. Most relationships can be salvaged and it's best to find expert help so you don't end up making mistakes that could drive them away for good.

Vincent Licursi is an expert on relationships. He recommends The Magic Of Making Up as the best way to get your ex back. For more information visit:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

You Can Get Your Ex Back-Forget Him Or Get Him Back

Your relationship has ended but you can't get your ex out of your head. You are wondering if there is anyway to get them back? If you can't get them back, can you learn to stop loving your ex? There are steps to take to stop loving them.

Tell them it's over and be clear about it and listen yourself to what you are saying. Don't ponder the possibility of getting back together. Do not contact them; no emails, no text messages, no calls, no dropping in on them. If they contacts you, do not respond. Don't entertain the idea of becoming friends. This might happen in the future but now is not the time to try to be just friends.

You need to accept the fact that you were not meant for each other. Throw out or put away or give away things that remind you of your ex. This is hard to do but it really helps. Do not talk about them and do not even say their name.

Fill your day with activity. Join a club, take up a new hobby, join the health club, socialize with co workers, friends and family. The busier you are the less time you have to think about your ex and what might have been.

You may want to talk over your upsetting feelings about the relationship with friends, family or even a counselor. This can be helpful but try to focus on moving on and not dwelling on the past. You need to close the door on that relationship so you are free to find someone new to spend time with. Although, don't run out and jump into a relationship with the first man or women you meet.

If you have been reading this and think that you really can't forget him, then decide if the relationship is really worth saving and if there is any sign of their interest. If you decide it is worth trying to get your ex back then give it a go. Use a system that has worked for many other people. If you are going to try to get them back act quickly before they move on and get a plan of action.

Some people may think using a plan to get your ex back is silly. But think about it. Did you study this in school? Have you had any training for it? Do you use a mechanic to fix your car? A repair person to fix your TV? If you plan anything, from grocery shopping to getting a raise or promotion at work, you already understand the benefits of having a set plan to get what you need. Salvaging your relationship requires the same type of planning and help. If you go about it the wrong way, you will fail.

Vincent Licursi is an expert on relationships. He recommends The Magic Of Making Up as the best way to get your ex back. For more information visit:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Question On What Can I Do To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back Has Been Answered

You have just had the conversation with boyfriend. He wanted out and does not want anything to do with you anymore. However, deep inside your heart, you still want him so bad and so the same question keeps on repeating in your mind, "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back" at every turn.

Believe it or not, if you really sincere in yourself for loving him, you can get him back. However, it is not a good idea to force him immediately after a break up. You need to give him and yourself some space to cool down. Consider this as the cooling period of your relationship. You cannot act too overly anxious to get your ex back because he might not like it.

Let me ask you this, are you constantly call your ex all the time, sending him e-mails or text messaging him saying that you are sorry? To make matter worse, are you doing something to make him feel sorry for you? Whatever it is, you need to stop it right now. If you keep on doing this and asking yourself "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", you can kiss your relationship with your ex boyfriend goodbye for good.

If all the above is prohibited, then what can I do to get my boyfriend back? Do not worry, follow this advice below.

As mention before, you need to give your ex boyfriend and yourself some space. In other words, stop contacting each other for a while. This is the time where you need to do something good for yourself and you must have a high discipline in order to achieve. Why need discipline? Because this is probably the hardest time in your life. You need to stay focus all the time and try not to think about your ex too much.

By this time, your ex might get suspicious of you and want to find out more on what you are doing. This happens because during your relationship with him last time, you were always there for him but now not anymore. He might be asking himself whether you still have a feeling for him. This is something that can work in your favor. Believe it or not, your ex might miss you and has the urge to contact you again.

Are you feeling like everything you do pushes your ex away further? Is this describing your situation to a tee? Are you asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back" at every turn? Here are some tips that will greatly improve your chances of getting back together with your ex boyfriend.

Can you see what is it that you are doing right now? The success of this strategy is greatly depends on your action of doing nothing for him. You simply let the human nature does all the work for you. You need to play hard to get and let him make the first move. Try it yourself and you will surprise how this strategy can really work.

Now that your question of "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back" has been answered, you will probably approach your relationship in a whole new light. In no time, your relationship with your ex boyfriend will become more interesting than ever before.

A breakthrough in getting your ex back in your arms and this time for good. Thanks to The Magic Of Making Up.

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The Best Things You Can Do When Your Ex Moves On

Many people think that maybe calling their ex up and telling them how much they miss them will magically get their ex to reconsider and dump the new love interest. This will just make you look desperate. If your ex wants to make their way back to you, it's better that they do it in their own time.

Don't get in touch with their new love interest. Again, this will just make you look desperate and you won't be doing yourself any favors. Instead, just avoid the two of them as much as you can, and if you are in their presence don't engage them. If they engage you be polite and courteous but don't be spiteful. If you want your ex back you will not be successful if you come across as the jealous, crazy ex.

Do your best to move on, too. This is easier said and done, but when you stop putting all of your focus on your ex and put that energy into yourself and your future, you may find that it doesn't hurt quite as much as it did. You may find that you are happier on your own and that you have things that you are really looking forward to doing now that you are by yourself.

Call in your support system. If you are really having a hard time with your ex moving on, call in your closest friends and family. Ask them for their help in getting you through this difficult time. Sometimes just having friends near you when you are hurting is enough to get you through the tough times. Your friends will get you up off the couch and feeling good again so you can begin to move forward instead of staying stuck in the past.

Let go. If your ex is moving on, chances are that there is not any reason to hold onto the hope that you will get back together. Instead, focus on building a future without them and stop giving them your attention. If you start to envision your life without them suddenly it will become a lot more livable than if you are constantly picturing what it could have been.

You need to try and remember the core reason why you broke up. Usually someone has changed, things have just been different or something along those lines. Try to see this act of already being over you as a sign of how much he or she has changed. It might make it easier to accept the fact that your ex has moved on, and it might make it easier for you to move on once you realize he or she is not the same person anymore.

Rodrigo Rehn is a Relationships Expert, Linux Systems Administrator, Web Programmer, PHP Developer and CEO of Online dating services.

How To Save Your Relationship And Make It Strong

If you are at your wits end figuring out how to save your relationship perhaps you need to reflect firstly and consider the most important point.

Before work begins on saving any struggling relationship, the most crucial question one needs to answer truthfully is whether it's worth saving in the first place. Here's the problem with many couples - they allow emotions to dominate their thinking and decisions made under emotional stress can be dangerous.

This may sound like harsh advice but think about this, if a couple decides to try saving their partnership based solely on it's what everyone else wants and then it falls apart again sometime in the near future, then what was the point.

There are an almost endless number of reasons why relationships fall apart over time. The obvious two are simply a couple falls out of love and in this case, separation will probably be amicable or infidelity has been an issue. But if neither of these reasons is the case in your union then there is strong hope that you can find the love and passion to strengthen your connection to each other.

6 Relationship Saving Tips

We've listed six things you can do to help get your relationship back on track. Take particular note of the first point.

1. First and foremost you both need to decide if your relationship is worth saving. Unless you both make a commitment to renew the interest then it's a pointless exercise in resurrecting it.

2. If you both decide to make a full commitment to each other and the relationship then you need to both air your differences and isolate the problems which had developed.

3. When pinpointing issues look further than just the symptoms. Symptoms can range from arguing to one or the other partner straying into infidelity. Instead of accusing the symptom look at why the problem is occurring. It could be a lack of intimacy has developed, work stress has forced you to "take your eye off the ball", or you're simply not spending enough time together.

4. This is an important step. Once the issue or issues have been identified some quality discussion needs to take place, including the sharing of thoughts. Don't hold back because in this time of truce, a lot of suppressed feelings can be let out and gotten rid of. Even go as far as to look each other in the eye and hold hands when sharing your thoughts. Make sure you listen to each others concerns.

5. The next step in saving your relationship is coming up with a plan together and putting it into practice. Now we don't know you or your situation but some things you could implement is organizing a date night or two a week, planning a bed and breakfast getaway together once a month, spending a set amount of time each night just discussing things or spending time talking just before you go to bed. These are only suggestions and you will come up with a plan to fit your own needs.

6. Make sure you stick to your plan as there will be times when it is tested. Learn to control your emotions and avoid laying blame on each other learn to apologize like you mean it.

Want to know the shortcut to saving your relationship? Discover the secrets thousands have used to win back their ex. Grab the most important book ever written on saving a relationship - The Magic Of Making Up at:

Getting Them Back After A Break Up

Sometimes people grow apart in a relationship and they go their separate ways not because they do not love one another but because they just don't know how to make it work at the time. If you aren't quite ready to let go yet, you can try to get the person that you love back.

You should go in knowing that you have at best a 50% chance of getting them back in your life, but if you feel strongly about them and you have any reason to believe that the feelings are reciprocated, you may be able to make it work. You need to put your time and your energy into the process of getting someone back if you want any chance, but generally it is worth the time and energy!

First things first, let your ex know how you feel. Tell them that you don't want to be apart and that you want to try it again and this time you want to get it right. If you don't get any resistance chances are that they feel the same way and at this point you need to start showing the person that you love them. There are some simple ways to do this that will really make a lasting impact on the person that you are trying to get back.

Some great ways to show your love and affection when you are trying to get them back include but are not limited to:

Send them love letters, send them little gifts, leave them notes on their car, on their door, or under their pillow, bring them lunch and dinner, offer to give them a massage when they have had a long day.

Take them out to dinner, prepare a candlelit dinner for them , be a friend and really listen to what they have to say, say how you feel and don't hold back, let them know through written and spoken words that you love them.

These are some really simple ways to let someone know that you love them and you want them back. These are just little things that you can do every day to let someone know that you are the most important thing to them, and even though you have broken up, that you still have a chance to make things right.

Of course, there is a chance that with all of this effort that your ex won't ever actually take you back. You have to know going in that all of your efforts may be for nothing in the end, but it is worth it if you really love the person and you want a chance to have them back in your life.
Have faith going in that showing them how much they mean will afford you another chance, but also keep it in the back of your mind that in the end you may not work out now or in the future. All you can do is put your heart into the process of wooing them back into your life.

Rodrigo Rehn is a Relationships Expert, Linux Systems Administrator, Web Programmer, PHP Developer and CEO of Online dating services.