Saturday, January 31, 2009

How to Get Him Back After You Realized You Screwed Up

I was strolling downtown one day, when I happened to catch a glimpse of my on-again off-again boyfriend having lunch with another woman. I quickly passed by before he spotted me. We had just broken up a couple of weeks earlier. I realized I screwed up when I told him I wanted a break from the relationship. I know I still love him and am desperate to win him back. But I don't know how to get him back.

I sat down with a few girlfriends who all seemed to have good relationships with their guys. I wanted to know their secrets. Some of the questions and answers we discussed really opened up my eyes.

I asked what the first thing is I should do to win him back. Lindsey advised me to evaluate my relationship. What are the good things about the relationship and the bad things? Does the good outweigh the bad? What went wrong? Is there any romance left? Is it simply little annoying habits he has or you have that can be worked out or is it more an issue of trusting each other? Once I know what the issues are, I can work on improving them.

Cindy said to be there for him as a friend. Make him aware how much your friendship means to you. Why not spend time doing things you did in the beginning of the relationship? Just spending time talking to each other can open up the possibilities of renewing the relationship.

Becky said I should ask him out to dinner. You know, just because you're not together any longer doesn't mean you can't have fun together. Remind him of the special times you've had together by taking him to his favorite place to eat. Sarah suggested I start dating other men. Hey, if he's jealous when he sees me with someone else maybe I will be irresistible to him. Just make sure the other person doesn't get hurt in the process.

I decided to give these strategies a try. I mean, what did I have to lose anyway? I was already desperate. I hoped their suggestions on how to get him back worked!

If you need more help on how to get him back go to and find proven resources and strategies that have help many others in your situation.

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