Friday, January 16, 2009

You Can Get Your Ex Back-The Holidays Are Lonely Without Your Ex

Whether you ended your relationship or not the holiday season will probably be lonely without your ex. If you have no feelings left for them, you are one of the lucky ones. Perhaps you will be lonely but not totally miserable. If you still love them and entertain thoughts and dreams of getting back together you will experience intense yearnings for them during this season.

Remember the first Christmas gifts you got for each other? It probably didn't matter what they were only that the two of you were together and had found your special someone. Perhaps you still wear that special piece of clothing, jewelry or perfume while you dream of memories of being together. There is no time more special then the holidays to be a couple.

Unfortunately being alone in the holiday season is not a choice we would often make. Perhaps you are wondering if there is something to do to get them back?

It may bring tears to your eyes to see couples happily embracing, kissing, hugging enjoying the special atmosphere of the holiday season. You may arrive home after work to an empty house and find yourself curling up alone on the couch wishing the holidays had come and gone. You may struggle with attending holiday get togethers alone, perhaps you will choose to avoid some parties all together. Even church can be a lonely place without your ex.

Friends and family will hopefully be there to help you through this difficult time. They may try to convince you that you are better off without your ex and encourage you to enjoy your new found status as a single person. Friends may drag you out to parties and clubs to reawaken your interest in life. No matter what people say or do you may feel like you will never find that special someone again and you may be right.

Perhaps the only way to happiness and a joyous holiday season is to get your ex back. If you believe in your heart that your ex is the one and only then you should do what ever it takes to get them back.

However this doesn't mean to harass them with dozens of phone calls or emails. Don't beg them to see you or consider getting back together. Don't apologize and promise to change for them. Instead use a strategy that has been proven successful for thousands of other men and woman from all parts of the world.

Vincent Licursi is an expert on relationships. He recommends The Magic Of Making Up as the best way to get your ex back. For more information visit:

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