Saturday, January 10, 2009

You Can Get Your Ex Back-Tips You Can Use

You have decided you want your ex back. Now you must find a way to make it happen. But you are not sure what the best way to do this is. First of all don't try too hard to make him come back. You can't force someone to like you. Don't email your ex or call them a hundred times a day. Don't drive by their home to see if your ex is there or if someone else is there.

Be yourself, don't make lots of changes trying to please your ex. Don't make promises or beg them to come back! If you flirt with them be very subtle, you don't want to scare them away or embarrass yourself. Be polite in your interactions and don't throw the past in their face. You will not get them back with anger or by using guilt trips.

Don't be mean or too straight forward with them. While you will want to appear reasonably happy and active don't overact. Making up lies about how everyone in the neighborhood is trying to date you is not a good approach. But casually mentioning conversations you have had with other men or women may have a positive effect. It will increase their curiosity a little and may have them thinking about you a little more. Look for signs about whether he or she may be interested or not. Remember, most people want what they cannot have.

There are some positive signs to look for to show they may still be interested. If you answer yes to at least four of these questions there is probably hope for the relationship. If you can't answer yes to any of them, you really should consider finding another love for your life.

Does your ex tease you? Does your ex look into your eyes for any length of time? Does your ex ask your friends or relatives if you are seeing anyone? Does your ex try and be helpful? Does your ex call or text you for no specific reason? Does your ex touch you? Does your ex apologize for past mistakes? Does your ex compliment your? Does your ex talk about the good times you shared? Does your ex stop by your house for no apparent reason?

If you think your ex is interested in you and you want to get back, don't waste anymore time. Most relationships can be salvaged and it's best to find expert help so you don't end up making mistakes that could drive them away for good.

Vincent Licursi is an expert on relationships. He recommends The Magic Of Making Up as the best way to get your ex back. For more information visit:

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