Thursday, January 8, 2009

You Can Get Your Ex Back-Forget Him Or Get Him Back

Your relationship has ended but you can't get your ex out of your head. You are wondering if there is anyway to get them back? If you can't get them back, can you learn to stop loving your ex? There are steps to take to stop loving them.

Tell them it's over and be clear about it and listen yourself to what you are saying. Don't ponder the possibility of getting back together. Do not contact them; no emails, no text messages, no calls, no dropping in on them. If they contacts you, do not respond. Don't entertain the idea of becoming friends. This might happen in the future but now is not the time to try to be just friends.

You need to accept the fact that you were not meant for each other. Throw out or put away or give away things that remind you of your ex. This is hard to do but it really helps. Do not talk about them and do not even say their name.

Fill your day with activity. Join a club, take up a new hobby, join the health club, socialize with co workers, friends and family. The busier you are the less time you have to think about your ex and what might have been.

You may want to talk over your upsetting feelings about the relationship with friends, family or even a counselor. This can be helpful but try to focus on moving on and not dwelling on the past. You need to close the door on that relationship so you are free to find someone new to spend time with. Although, don't run out and jump into a relationship with the first man or women you meet.

If you have been reading this and think that you really can't forget him, then decide if the relationship is really worth saving and if there is any sign of their interest. If you decide it is worth trying to get your ex back then give it a go. Use a system that has worked for many other people. If you are going to try to get them back act quickly before they move on and get a plan of action.

Some people may think using a plan to get your ex back is silly. But think about it. Did you study this in school? Have you had any training for it? Do you use a mechanic to fix your car? A repair person to fix your TV? If you plan anything, from grocery shopping to getting a raise or promotion at work, you already understand the benefits of having a set plan to get what you need. Salvaging your relationship requires the same type of planning and help. If you go about it the wrong way, you will fail.

Vincent Licursi is an expert on relationships. He recommends The Magic Of Making Up as the best way to get your ex back. For more information visit:

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