Thursday, January 22, 2009

Things to Consider Before Remarrying Your Ex

We hear about it more and more all the time, Couples who couldn't make it work, got divorced, started dating again, and got married a second time. It seems that a lot of people are finding their way back to an old flame and trying to make it work the second time around.

There are a lot of success stories out there about people who have gotten married a second time, but there are also a lot of horror stories. Is it a good idea to remarry your ex? Can you make it work? What is the difference between those that are successful and those that are not?

It's important to remember why the marriage didn't work in the first place. If they were constantly cheating on you or they were physically abusive you really need to stop and think about whether these are things that are going to change. Many times these are things that are built into the character of the person and are hard to change.

Why would you want to remarry someone that you couldn't stay married to before? There are a lot of people who make it work, but be sure that you haven't gone back to your ex because you're comfortable with them or you know what to expect. Don't settle for someone just because you know who they are and you are tired of trying to figure out other people.

Do you have any indication that things will go better this time around? It's hard enough to get married and divorced once let alone twice to the same person. If you don't have any clear cut indications that things will be different this time around, why get married again? Really look at the relationship for what it is and not what you want it to be to be sure that this is something that is more likely to work than it was before.

You should make sure when you are spending time with your ex that you are not just falling back into familiar behavioral patterns. This is a mistake that many people make. Be sure that you create new boundaries and new behaviors inside of the relationship otherwise the relationship is destined to follow the same path that it did the first time around.

You don't have to get married. Don't feel like you have to get married just because that is what you did before. Many people live very happily together without ever being married to each other. Don't seal your fate just because you feel as though you should be married.

These are some serious things to consider before you marry anyone, especially your ex husband or wife. Divorce is hard, no matter who you are or what your relationship has been like, so be sure that you really stop and take time to consider why you are choosing to get married to the same person that you married unsuccessfully last time.

If you consider all of these things honestly and still feel comfortable with the idea of marrying, chances are your heart and mind are in the right place and your marriage has as much chance of surviving as any!

Rodrigo Rehn is a Relationships Expert, Linux Systems Administrator, Web Programmer, PHP Developer and CEO of Online dating services.

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