Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How To Make Your Ex Pursue You After A Breakup

Break ups take the life force out of you, particularly if breaking up was not your idea or you realize that your decision to breakup was a huge mistake. You don't feel like participating in life and things you used to like doing hold no joy at all.

The only thing on your mind is getting your ex back no matter what it takes, but there's a major problem. Your ex is either non-responsive or pulls the other way. At this point you may be surprised to know that you can actually make them pursue instead of you chasing them.

For starters, you'll need to fix your appearance and start looking good again. No more drooped shoulders and long faces, you need to look confident. Emitting an aura of confidence is attractive and your ex will notice along with everyone else. Your ex didn't fall for you because you were depressed and moping about. Become the person they fell for in the first place.

Now you're looking good you need to find the strength to get out of the house and experience life again. Go places with friend whose company you enjoy and are upbeat and fun. Enjoy yourself, have fun, don't let your ex see that you feel your life is falling apart. Careful though, if your ex thinks that you are trying to make them jealous it could ruin your whole plan. The idea is to remind them of the strong and confident person they fell in love with in the first place.

One of the number one rules after a breakup is to keep contact with your ex to an absolute minimum so that your ex will have the chance to miss you. When they are given the time to miss you and see or hear about the strong, confident person out having fun it may just prompt your ex to start pursuing you. Wouldn't that be great? I realize that keeping contact to a minimum is difficult because all you want to do is be with them, but the fact that minimal contact gives them the opportunity to make your ex miss you makes this tactic too powerful to ignore.

These few tips aren't hard a fast rules of getting your ex back, but they are certainly a good place to start. Many people are reconciling with their ex every day and you can too. You just need to show your ex that you are still the person they fell for.

Sharon Reid posts new tips and techniques about getting back together with your ex on one of her blogs at most days.

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